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Using the ES&S Voter Assist Terminal

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Ballot marking devices are available to all voters with special accommodations for hearing, visual, physical and other disabilities. This provides voters the opportunity to independently vote a ballot in complete privacy. This terminal marks the voter's selections on paper that becomes their ballot. Voters can select their choices using a touch screen. Personal adaptives may also be used to assist voters in making their selections. The completed ballot is then fed into a tabulator, which scans and records the votes.

ES&S Voter assist terminal

ES&S ExpressVote

ES&S accessible device adaptives

Personal Adaptives

When using the voter assist terminal, you will follow these steps:

ES&S VAT insert card

1.  Begin the voting process by inserting your card

ES&S VAT select precinct

2. Search for your precinct

ES&S VAT select precinct

3. Select your precinct


ES&S VAT confirm precinct

4. Confirm your precinct

ES&S VAT select choices

5. Select your choice for each race

ES&S VAT verify selections

6. Review your selections


ES&S VAT send to print

7. Choose to print your selections on your card

ES&S VAT printing card

8. Printing the card

ES&S VAT returning card

9. Card is returned to the voter


ES&S VAT take card

10. Remove card

ES&S VAT card in sleeve

11. Place card in secrecy sleeve

ES&S Tabulator

12. Proceed to tabulator

Go to the ES&S Tabulator Page

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