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Reminder: temporary pause to SOS services begins today Services will resume March 16 after major system upgrade

As announced earlier this week, a long-planned major upgrade to Secretary of State technology begins today, meaning a temporary suspension of services including the branch appointment system, public call center, online services and self-service stations. These services will pause beginning 5 p.m. today until 9 a.m. Tuesday, March 16. Branch offices will also be closed to the public on Friday, March 12 and Monday, March 15.

The Michigan Voter Information Center,, will not be impacted and online voter registration and other services will continue to be available.

The upgrade will securely combine tens of millions of driver and vehicle records into one integrated customer record system and move the department forward from decades-old technology. Starting March 16, the upgrade will enable new online services for customers and expand the capability of self-service stations to include many driver’s license and state ID transactions.

Information and answers to frequently asked questions will remain available on the Department of State website at

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