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Statewide primary election one week away

One week remains until Michigan’s statewide primary election. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. on Election Day, Tuesday, Aug 2.
“Michigan elections are among the most secure in the country and Michigan citizens have options to make their voice heard on Election Day,” said Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson. “However you cast your ballot, you can be sure that every valid vote will be counted and the results will be an accurate reflection of the will of the voters.”
Registered voters can vote with an absentee ballot in person at their clerk’s office until 4 p.m. on Aug 1. Michiganders who have not yet registered can do so at their clerk’s office and then vote an absentee ballot in one trip through 8 p.m. on Election Day. Registered voters can also cast their ballot on Election Day at their polling place. Voters can view a sample ballot, find their local clerk and their polling place at
With one week before ballots are due, voters who have received but not yet returned their absentee ballot should hand-deliver it to their clerk’s office or drop it off at a local drop box. Voters who already retuned their absentee ballot can track it at to ensure it is received by their clerk. If a voter sees their ballot is not received, they should contact their clerk’s office immediately.
Michigan law regarding primary ballots requires voters to cast votes for only one party’s candidates. Votes for candidates in multiple parties on the same ballot will not be counted.
Absentee ballot request data shows that approximately 47 percent of ballots have already been returned, a two percent increase from the same period ahead of the Aug. 2020 primary, the last statewide primary to occur since the right to vote absentee was extended to all Michigan voters. A side-by-side comparison of current absentee ballot request numbers, compared to the same time ahead of the 2018 statewide primary, the last statewide gubernatorial primary, is below. A spreadsheet with a breakdown of the numbers by jurisdiction is available online.

7 Days before Election Day
(July 25, 2022)
7 Days before Election Day (July 30, 2018)
Number of applications received 1,246,566 630,943
Number of ballots issued 1,248,013* 634,474*
Number of ballots returned 589,813 373,351

The Michigan Voter Information Center at provides important information for voters ahead of Election Day, including a sample ballot, information about how to use voting equipment, and how to contact your local clerk.
*The number of ballots issued is greater than the number of applications received as it represents all ballots issued, including replacement ballots for those who requested to spoil their first.

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