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A taxidermy permit is required to conduct a taxidermy business or to engage in preparing or mounting the skins, plumage or parts from any regulated birds or mammals for a fee. A person issued a taxidermy permit shall only possess game or protected animals for the purpose of taxidermy at the location described in their taxidermy permit. To apply for a taxidermy permit, you must complete an application for miscellaneous licenses.

Application for miscellaneous licenses Detailed information about taxidermy permits Taxidermy specimen log

Additional information

Licensed taxidermists in Michigan Affidavit for lost taxidermy tags Taxidermy tags order form

If you are unsure of the protected status of any species of bird or mammal, contact the wildlife biologist or conservation officer at your nearest DNR office.

If you have questions about the rules or laws affecting your taxidermy license, contact the law enforcement supervisor at your nearest DNR office.

If you have any questions about your license, identification tags or need to reorder identification tags, you should contact:

Customer Systems
Michigan Department of Natural Resources
PO Box 30181
Lansing MI 48909-7681
Telephone 517-284-6057
TTY/TDD: 711 (Michigan Relay Center)