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Winter workshop description of classes

Classes are rated by physical exertion levels (E, M, or S). Classes marked E require little physical exertion, M is moderate, and S is strenuous exertion. Please determine your own physical abilities.

If the class is held inside for the entire time – that is noted as “inside”.?

 “Apps” in the Outdoors-(E-M) Do you get” lost” in technology? Although we will look at some specific GPS devices on the market, this class will focus primarily on free apps to use with your smartphone. Come learn about all the best GPS options to make you next trip safer, to motivate you to try new trails, or to leave behind breadcrumbs so that you can explore with more confidence.  As a hands-on class with both indoor and outdoor components, we hope you leave with your new favorite app all configured, plus the knowledge and comfort to take on your next outdoor adventure. Please come with outdoor winter gear for the outside portion of this class. Instructors – Nick & Danielle Steffey


Archery – (M) (inside) The instructors will go over bow safety and introduction of the different types of bows available (compound, longbow, recurve) along with the equipment to use with bows and arrow choice (hunting vs. target), basic bow maintenance and shooting stations for both types of bows.  They will also discuss hunting for anyone that may be looking for archery deer/turkey hunting and the different types of stands available. Instructor Kelly Deering


Backcountry Cooking – (E) Be prepared to have a great meal when you are camping or out on a trail and not in a can!  Learn about various camp stoves and fuels, cookware, and easy delicious meals on a single burner stove. Get recipes that will work for you while backpacking or campground cooking.  Most of the class will be outdoors so dress accordingly. If you have a food allergy, please make a note of that on your registration form. Instructors – Gretta Steele and Cathy Zorza


Basic Snowshoeing – (M-S) Learn the basic techniques, proper clothing to wear, types of trails, what to bring with you, pros and cons of poles and different types of shoes then we’ll take a leisurely stroll through the woods. (Please bring a water bottle to class) Instructors – Sue Petschke & Sandy Kivela


Advanced Snowshoe – (S) This is strictly for those that have taken the basic snowshoeing class or have snowshoeing experience, as the class can be strenuous based on length and snow conditions. The purpose of this class is to build on snowshoeing skills. We will go off campus to beautiful Harlow Lake where we will make a 4-mile look (approximately 2 hours of snowshoeing based on conditions) then return to Bay Cliff. Please provide your own snowshoes if possible.  A water bottle is mandatory for this class. Class size is limited. Instructors –Sandy Kivela, “T” Hamari, & Mike Knack


Cross Country Skiing – (M-S) Topics include equipment selection, waxing whys and how-to, and learning basic skills. This class is for someone who has never cross-country skied before, who has never taken any formal instruction or who wants to brush up on their basic skills. Instructors– Monica Weis, Amy Maus, & Chris Koren


Dog Sledding – (M-S) Introduction to the basics of starting up a kennel and the selection of dog breeds. Learn the kind of sleds, equipment used, training, racing, daily handling and caring for the dogs-including feeding, team harnessing and dog psychology. Participants will harness up the teams and head out in small groups to mush along a short trail. ***If you’ve taken this class in the past you will not be able to take again unless there are openings.  The class size is limited.  Instructor – Teri Grout


Fish Identification – (E) (inside) You need to know what type of fish you are fishing for, right? Learn the common popular fish species in the area, how to tie a hook on your fishing rod, examine the anatomy of a brook trout and the different types of lures you might use.  You’ll be shown how to filet a fish and how to use catch and release techniques in this class. Instructor – Sharon Babbitt 


Fly Tying (E) (inside) An introductory course on the “how to” of tying flies. Fly types and their uses will be discussed and demonstrated, including nymphs, dry flies, wet flies and streamers.   Participants will get to “try their hand” at tying flies, which you will be able to take home and try them out on your next fishing trip!  A few new types of flies for trout, bluegill and small mouth bass will be taught. Instructor – Tim Glover


GPS/Geocaching – (M) Are you "lost" when it comes to using GPS technology? How would you like to be the one that leads with confidence in knowing exactly where to go without asking for directions!  Have you heard "Geocaching" is fun, but never really understood what the term meant? In this class, we will teach you how to find your current location, where you were, where you’re going and how long it will take to get there.  Join the fun in the woods and know where you are at the same time. Be ready to take a short hike outside and explore places that otherwise might be overlooked.  You will learn a new use for your GPS unit for free outdoor fun with the family of all ages. GPS units will be provided for class use.  Instructor – Allison VanGorp


Hand & Power Tools – (E) (inside) Ladies have you ever wanted to fix something around the house or at camp and didn’t want to have to ask the spouse or call a contractor?  Well this class will teach you the different styles, uses and safety of some commonly used hand and power tools around the home.  You will take a hands-on approach to confidently understanding when, where and how specific tools are used to remedy that minor household repairInstructor – Jason Peterson


Ice Fishing – (M) This course is geared to beginning ice anglers, offering numerous tips for fun ice fishing. Learn how lakes change in winter, what to look for when choosing a site and how to set up your ice house. Basic equipment, electronics, jigging techniques, customizing your own gear and bait choices will be covered. Fishing time spent on the ice. Dress appropriately. Waterproof boots are recommended.
A Michigan All Species Fishing License ($26) or 24-hour fishing license ($10) is requiredInstructor –Mark Mylchreest


Japron Making – (E) This is a must fashion accessory for an outdoor person. Ideal for hiking, foraging, skiing, geocaching, birding, snowshoeing, gardening etc. We will make our very own fun, funky and extremely functional “japron” or “blurse” by recycling blue jeans. Participants will embellish the japron /blurse to make our own unique fashion statement with simple stitching and adhering with fabric fusion that will enhance your specific look. Instructor will supply/provide all other materials and supplies but feel free to bring your old favorite jeans and/or bling. Instructor – Margaret Gerhard


Basic Photography – (E) This course covers an introduction to photography, with an emphasis on learning camera terms and functions, photo composition and other basic concepts. Students in the class should bring their cameras or cellphones, as well as a pad and paper to take notes. Some of the class will be taught indoors and some portions will be outdoors with participants getting an opportunity to test out their newly acquired skills. Instructor - John Pepin


Resource Roadkill – (E-M) Another type of foraging. This unique workshop introduces participants to recognize the free “gifts/materials/supplies” that roadkill can offer ingenious artists and craftswomen. Following a brief but fascinating lecture on roadkill, participants will examine/review the contents of an actual roadkill kit and enjoy making some easy starter projects to begin your new hobby of recycling roadside tragedies into gifting treasures. Instructor will supply all the materials and supplies.
Instructor – Margaret Gerhard


Self Confidence (M-S) (inside) Do you enjoy hiking, hunting, or recreating in remote or out of the way destinations, but have felt apprehensive to do so by yourself?  This class is designed to give you the knowledge and skills that will boost your self-confidence when recreating outdoors by yourself by learning some defense techniques.  Please arrive at the class dressed in comfortable clothing and gym shoes and be prepared for a very physical and informative session!  Instructors Brett Delonge & Jeremy Sergey


Skijoring – (M-S) “Love your dog? Love to ski? Why not combine them and have SNOW much fun” Skijoring is an age-old method for harnessing dog and human ski-power to travel the winter trails. Participants should be comfortable on cross-country skate skis. Please plan to bring skis if you have them. If you want to learn about the sport but do not ski, we will teach you the same techniques walking with a dog! All levels and abilities are welcome to join the session. Lindsay McWebb with Atlas Skijor Kennel along with volunteers from the Noquemanon Skijor Club will teach you how to prepare your pooch and harness up for this age-old winter sport. Be prepared to spend the session outdoors, laughing and learning how dogs can be women’s best friends in winter too. Class size is limited. Instructors – Lindsay McWebb, Collin McWebb, Ron Thorley & Frida Waara


Walking Stick – E (inside) Take a hike, sister! You will design, carve, paint/stain and embellish an “heirloom & folk art” walking stick! We’ll explore line, texture, color, and composition with your walking stick designs. Add an art aesthetic to your physical fitness routine; promote a healthy lifestyle by walking! Experience the success of using simple carving tools.  Things to Bring: items for your stick – pins, silk flowers, doll heads, animal heads (toy), shells, beads, old jewelry, ribbon, etc. Instructor – Margaret Gerhard


Wilderness First Aid – (E-M) (inside – you may take a short venture outside) What's in your first aid kit? Find out which items you "should have" and which items you "must have." What are the most common injuries and illnesses? Do you know how to treat them? With hands on practical instruction and a variety of scenarios, you'll learn what to do when emergency help is delayed! Are you prepared to save a life in a wilderness setting?  Instructor – Mike Knack


Introduction to Winter Fat-Biking (E-M) The first time you see a fat bike you think – look at the size of those tires! Then you wonder where in the world would someone ride one. Truth is, fat-bikes have made outdoor riding accessible year-round. Todd will begin by showing “Whack Jobs”, a short film about Fat-Bike grooming in Michigan. Following the film, he’ll introduce you to the bikes and lead a Q&A session about equipment, clothing, gear, the trails, or anything that comes to mind. After the Q&A everyone will get fitted and assigned a fat-bike and go along for a ride in and around the Bay Cliff Complex. Following the ride, you’ll return to the classroom for a recap. The goal is to introduce students to a new year-round activity and inspire you consider riding more frequently.

Helmets will be provided. Students bring a thin-profile winter hat that will fit underneath a traditional mountain bike helmet. The instructor recommends a light/mid-weight base layer top and bottom, paired with additional mid-weight layers, top and bottom, under a windproof shell. Make sure to bring warm gloves and warm boots. Sunglasses are optional but recommended. Class size is limited. Instructor -Todd Poquette, 906 Adventure Team


Winter Fat Bike Challenge – (M-S) The intermediate class is best suited for individuals with cycling background, regular physical activity, and a willingness to be challenged. The instructor’s goal is to let you experience some of the groomed trails that have put Marquette on the national radar. It’s super fun, and challenging! The class will begin with “Whack Jobs”, a short film about Fat-Bike grooming in Michigan. After the film everyone will be fitted for a bike and you’ll head to Marquette. In the event weather is not cooperating, the class may have to stay at Bay Cliff and ride roads in and around the complex. No matter what happens, Todd hopes you are inspired to incorporate more cycling into your future. Prior cycling experience and/or taking the Fat Bike 101 class at a previous BOW event is required. This is an all-day class which will count as two class selections. It is imperative to be aware of your fitness level and ability to complete the Fat Bike Challenge.

Helmets will be provided. Students bring a thin-profile winter hat that will fit underneath a traditional mountain bike helmet. The instructor recommends a light/mid-weight base layer top and bottom, paired with additional mid-weight layers, top and bottom, under a windproof shell. Make sure to bring warm gloves and warm boots. Sunglasses are optional but recommended. Class size is limited. Instructor -Todd Poquette, 906 Adventure Team


Winter Shelters & Winter Camping – (M-S) Learn the basics of winter camping including clothing and equipment. Learn how to build a quinzhee and discuss other options for camping out in the winter. Maybe spend the night in the quinzhee when it’s finished! Please dress appropriately as more than half of this class is outside and you will be shoveling and digging.  If you are hoping to spend the night in a shelter that you build, please bring your winter gear & include a winter type sleeping bag & foam pad!! Please make a note on the registration form if you are hoping to spend the night in a shelter - sleeping outside is limited. Instructors Tara Gluski & David Kalishek


Woods, Wildlife and Wood Burning (E) (inside) For anyone who has ever been interested in trying their hand at the wood burning art.  Woodburning or pyrography is the art of decorating wood with burn marks that are applied with heated pokers or tools that are like soldering irons.  Angel will guide the beginner and give tips to burning straight lines, shading, adding depth, highlighting, etc.  You will also get tips on burning different kinds of wood, learn how to transfer your outline onto the wood of your choice, and see examples of projects.  We will start a name tag and/or wood box project while in class and hopefully have it finished when you head home to show all what you have accomplished. Instructor – Angel Abbs Portice