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July 5, 2022


Real Estate Services

Information Contact:  Scott Goeman, 517-284-5972; Decision-Maker: DNR Director

Sale of Surplus DNR-Managed Land

Land Transaction Case No. 20210122   0.12-acre (1 lot)
Undedicated State Land – Metro District
Oakland County, West Bloomfield Township, T02N, R09E
Section 5:  Union-Scotch Lake Subdivision No. 1, Block: 12, Lot: 348

Forest Resources Land Acquisitions

Land Transaction Case No. 20220018   80 acres
Forest Resources – Sault Ste. Marie Management Unit
Chippewa County, Kinross Township, T45N, R01W
Section 14:  N 1/2 of the NW 1/4

Land Transaction Case No. 20220019  40 acres
Forest Resources – Escanaba Management Unit
Menominee County, Nadeau Township, T36N, R27W
Section 15:  NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4

Wildlife Land Acquisition

Land Transaction Case No. 20210203  45.79 acres
Wildlife - Southwestern Lower Peninsula Region
Muskegon County, Cedar Creek Township, T11N, R15W
Section 36:  Government Lot 9, except the East 300 feet thereof, as more accurately described
in the case file.

Forest Resources Land Exchange

Land Transaction Case No. 20220028
Forest Resources – Gwinn Management Unit
County of Marquette Exchange

Offered Land:  40 acres
Marquette County, Forsyth Township, T45N, R25W
Section 15:  SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 

Desired Land:  40 acres
Marquette County, Forsyth Township, T45N, R25W
Section 15:SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4

State Trail Easements Acquisition

Land Transaction Case No. 20220130  30-foot-wide x 7.52-mile recreational trail easements (27.38 ac.)
Parks and Recreation – Eastern Upper Peninsula District 
Lyme Great Lakes Timberland LLC
Schoolcraft County
Doyle Township, T42N, R14W, Sections 22-23
Hiawatha Township, T42N, R16W, Section 1
Hiawatha Township, T43N, R15W, Sections 5, 9, 16, 21, and 27
GermfaskTownship, T44N, R13W, Sections 14, and 23-25


Minerals Management

Direct Oil and Gs Lease - Nondevelopment: 
Oil and gas lease rights to 40.00 acres, more or less, of state-owned Department of Natural Resources oil and gas rights located in T25N, R12W, Section 31, Part SW/4 SE/4, Grand Traverse Township, Grand Traverse County, have been requested by Federal Oil Company of Mount Pleasant, Michigan. 
Contact: Angie Herrera, 
Decision-maker: Chief Administrative Officer 

Direct Metallic Mineral Lease - Development: 
Metallic mineral lease rights to 4314.58 acres, more or less, of state-owned Department of Natural Resources metallic mineral rights located within T48N, R48W, Sections 03, 04, 06, 08, and 18; T48N, R49W, Sections 01, 11 through 14, 23, and 24; and T49N, R48W, Sections 25 and 32; Ironwood Township, Gogebic County; have been requested by Keweenaw Land Association, Limited, of Ironwood, Michigan. 
Contact: Ken Babcock, 
Decision-maker: Chief Administrative Officer

Forest Resources

July 9 to August 9, 2022 
Escanaba Forest Management Unit Staff 
Escanaba Forest Management Unit Open House Comment Period (Virtual) 
Eric Thompson, 906-786-2354, ThompsonE3@Michigan.Gov 
July 12, 2022 
2:00 – 6:00 p.m. 
Atlanta Management Unit Staff 
Atlanta Management Unit Open House 
Atlanta Field Office, 13501 M33 North, Atlanta 
Cody Stevens, 989-370-5578,   
July 12, 2022  
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.  
Traverse City Management Unit, Dave Fisher 
Traverse City Management Unit Compartment Review 
Traverse City Customer Service Center, 2122 M-37, Traverse City, MI 
Dave Fisher, 231-878-0494,  
July 14, 2022 
2:00 – 6:00 p.m. 
Gaylord Management Unit Staff 
Gaylord Management Unit Compartment Review 
Gaylord Field Office, 1732 West M-32, Gaylord 
Lucas Merrick, 231-340-5103, 
July 19, 2022  
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.  
Gladwin Management Unit, Patrick Mohney 
Gladwin Management Unit Compartment Review 
Harrison Field Office, 2115 Sullivan Rd, Harrison MI 
Patrick Mohney, 989-426-9205 x7640,  
July 20, 2022 
2:30 – 5:30 p.m. 
Pigeon River Country Management Unit Staff 
Pigeon River Country Management Unit Open House 
Pigeon River Country Headquarters, 9966 W. Twin Lake Road, Vanderbilt 
Mark Monroe, 989-329-9827, 
July 21, 2022 
5:00 – 9:00 p.m. 
Pigeon River Country Advisory Council  
Pigeon River Country Advisory Council Meeting 
Pigeon River Country Headquarters, 9966 W. Twin Lake Road, Vanderbilt 
Mark Monroe, 989-329-9827,