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March 5 2024
Minerals Management
Direct oil and gas lease - nondevelopment:
Oil and gas lease rights to 40 acres, more or less, of state-owned Michigan
Department of Natural Resources oil and gas rights located in the NE1/4 SE1/4, Section 01, T23N, R14W, Maple Grove Township, Manistee County, has been requested by Lambda Energy Resources LLC of Houston, Texas.
Contact: Kim Venne,
Decision-maker: Chief administrative officer
Sale of mineral rights (MPA 1162):
Conveyance of the mineral rights for an island parcel located in, a part of the Southwest 1/4, more particularly described as beginning at the Southwest corner of said Section 11; thence North 00°54'23" East along the West line of said Section 11; 1326.46 feet to the South 1/8 line (as monumented) of said Section 11; thence North 87°53'55" East along said 1/8 line 1193.61 feet to the West 1/8 line (as monumented) of said Section 11; thence South 01°29'38" East along said West 1/8 line 1326.35 feet to the South line of said Section 11; thence South 87°58'27" West along said South line 1249.15 feet to the Point of Beginning, Section 11, T38N, R10W, Peaine Township, Charlevoix County, Michigan, containing 37.16 acres, more or less, has been requested by Little Traverse Conservancy, Inc., a Michigan non-profit corporation, of Harbor Springs, Michigan.Contact: Kari Rozmarek,
Decision-maker: Chief administrative officer
Sale of mineral rights (MPA 1163):
Conveyance of mineral rights for a parcel located in, the SE1/4 of the NE1/4, Section 15, T44N, R21W, Mathias Township, Alger County, Michigan, containing 40 acres, more or less, has been requested by Greta Young of Chatham, Michigan.Contact: Kari Rozmarek,
Decision-maker: Chief administrative officer
Sale of minerals and allied rights (MPA 1164):
Conveyance of the mineral rights and allied rights (ingress and egress to watercourse or stream) for parcels located in, the NE1/4 and the W1/2 of SE1/4, Section 13, T27N, R05E, Mitchell Township, Alcona County, Michigan, containing 240 acres, more or less, has been requested by Vincent Zerafa and Antoinette Zerafa, husband and wife, an undivided ½ interest, and Anthony Zerafa, David A. Zerafa, Donald T. Zerafa, Daniel J. Zerafa, and Douglas M. Zerafa, as joint tenants with full rights of survivorship, an undivided ½ interest, of Washington Township, Michigan.Contact: Kari Rozmarek,
Decision-maker: Chief administrative officer
Sale of mineral rights and allied rights (MPA 1168):
Conveyance of the mineral rights and allied rights (ingress and egress to watercourse or stream) for parcels located in, the NE/4 of SE/4; SE/4 of SW/4; S/2 of SE/4; and SW/4 of SW/4, Section 24, T56N, R31W, Sherman Township, Keweenaw County, Michigan, containing 200 acres, more or less, has been requested by Keweenaw Community Forest Company, a Michigan non-profit corporation, of Mohawk, Michigan.
Contact: Kari Rozmarek,
Decision-maker: Chief administrative officer
Real Estate Services
Information Contact: Paul Johnson, 517-599-1197; Decision-maker: DNR directorLand acquisition
Land Transaction Case No. 20230037 1.53 acresWildlife Division
Ingham County, Bunker Hill Township, T01N, R01E, Section 2 and 11
Part of the NE 1/4 of Section 11 and part of the SE 1/4 of Section 2.
Land Transaction Case No. 20240002 200 acres
Wildlife Division
Barry County, Rutland Township, T03N, R09W, Section 28 and 29
Section 29, the S 40 acres of the NE 1/4, and the N 60 acres of the SE 1/4.
Section 28, the S 40 acres of the NW 1/4, and the N 60 acres of the SW ¼.
Land Transaction Case No. 20230250 41.24 acres
Parks and Recreation Division
Genesee County, City of Flint
A parcel of land located in Sections 8 and 9 of Indian Reservation of 11 Sections at The Grand Traverse on Flint River, as more accurately described in the case file.
Public Conveyance
Land Transaction Case No. 20230109 1.44 acresParks and Recreation Division
Mackinac County, Portage Township, T44N, R12W, Section 13
Commencing at the East 1/4 Corner of Section 13, T44N R12W, Portage Township, Mackinac County, Michigan; Thence N 89°30'02" W 2610.86 feet, along the E-W quarter line, to the center of section; thence N 02°25'47" W510.00 feet, along the N-S 1/4 line, to the Point of Beginning; Thence N 02°25'47" W 235.50 feet; thence N 02°25'47" W 40.00 feet; thence N 88°55'41" E 60.00 feet; thence S 38°23'01" E 100.00 feet; thence S 72°22'55" E 75.00 feet; thence N 48°18'21" E 20.00 feet; thence S 82°22'44" E 110.00 feet; thence S 11°29'23" W 180.00 feet; thence N 89°30'02" W 270.00 feet, to the said E-W 1/4 line and the Point of Beginning.
Sale of Surplus DNR-Managed Land
Land Transaction Case No. 20230231 .18 acre
Forest Resources Division
Gladwin County, City of Gladwin, T19N, R02W, Section 36
Foster’s Addition – Block 31, Lot 8
Forest Resources
March 12, 2024
10 a.m. to 3 p.m. EDT
FRD (includes Forest Health and Cooperative Programs and Forest Planning and Operations)
State Forest Action Plan Annual Stakeholder Meeting
Kirtland College Event Center
4800 W. Four Mile Road, Grayling, Michigan 49738
Andrea Stay, 517-582-5465,