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Mandatory Penalties for Certain Hunting Violations

Violation Penalty
Violation of permits, season, bag limits, shooting hours and methods of taking game $50 to $500 fine and/or up to 90 days in jail
Illegal taking/possession of deer, bear or wild turkey $200 to $1,000 fine and 5 to 90 days in jail, restitution of $1,500 for bear, $1,000 for deer/turkey, plus revocation of hunting licenses for remainder of year convicted, plus next three consecutive years
Illegal use of artificial light with bow and arrow, crossbow or firearm $100 to $500 fine and/or 90 days in jail, plus revocation of hunting licenses for remainder of year convicted, plus next consecutive year
Carrying a firearm while under the influence of alcohol or drugs $500 fine and/or up to 93 days in jail
Multiple offender: three convictions within preceding five years $500 to $2,000 fine and 10 to 180 days in jail