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Antlerless deer drawing system

Table of contents

  • Deer regs home page and glossary of terms

      Deer management

      • Managing deer in Michigan
      • Deer management plan strategic goals

      Season dates and bag limits

      • Deer hunting season dates
      • Deer management units and antler point restrictions
      • Bag limits

      License types and fees

      • License types and fees by age
      • Hunter safety
      • Mentored hunting
      • Apprentice hunting
      • Hunters with disabilities
      • Michigan residents
      • Michigan veterans with disabilities
      • U.S. military personnel
      • Treaty-authorized hunters
      • DNR Sportcard
      • Hunt/fish combo license
      • Base license
      • Deer licenses
      • Pure Michigan Hunt

      Purchasing licenses and kill tags

      • Identification requirements
      • Where to buy licenses and kill tags
      • Lost licenses and kill tags

      Antlerless deer drawing system

      • Application information
      • Eligible applicants
      • How to apply for an Upper Peninsula antlerless deer hunting access permit
      • Application assistance
      • Drawing results

      Reserved deer drawing system

      • Application information
      • How to apply for a reserved deer hunting access permit
      • Party applications
      • Drawing results

      When and where to hunt

      • Hunting hours
      • Hunting and trapping zones
      • Limited firearms deer zone
      • Safety zones
      • Public lands
      • State lands
      • State parks and recreation areas
      • National wildlife refuges
      • National forest lands
      • Commercial Forest lands
      • Hunting Access Program
      • Local municipalities
      • Waterways
      • Rights of way
      • Trespassing

      Equipment regulations

      • Hunter orange
      • Elevated platforms and ground blinds
      • Bows, crossbows and firearms
      • Transporting bows, crossbows and firearms
      • Artificial lights
      • Off-road vehicles and snowmobiles

      Hunting methods

      • Baiting
      • Feeding
      • Hunting with dogs
      • Commercial hunting guides

      Wildlife diseases

      • Bovine tuberculosis
      • Chronic wasting disease
      • Epizootic hemorrhagic disease

      Invasive species

      • Russian boar

      After the harvest

      • Validating harvest
      • Transporting game animals
      • Mandatory deer harvest reporting
      • Deer check stations
      • Handling and processing deer meat
      • Buying and selling game animals
      • Michigan Sportsmen Against Hunger
      • Deer management cooperator patch

      Report all poaching

What is the Upper Peninsula antlerless deer hunting access permit?
In the Upper Peninsula, antlerless deer harvest is restricted in DMUs 351 and 352. DMU 351 has no antlerless deer hunting access permits available for the 2024 hunting season. Universal antlerless deer licenses are not valid in DMU 351. To hunt antlerless deer in DMU 352, you are required to have an antlerless deer hunting access permit for DMU 352 AND a universal antlerless deer license. One antlerless deer hunting access permit for DMU 352 plus one universal antlerless deer license is required for each deer harvested.

Exception: A single deer license or deer combo license can be used to take an antlerless deer during the early archery season and during the late archery season through Dec. 10. An Upper Peninsula antlerless deer hunting access permit is not required.

How does the antlerless deer hunting access permit drawing system work?
A limited number of Upper Peninsula antlerless deer hunting access permits will be available by drawing. Hunters are selected for an antlerless deer hunting access permit using a random drawing system. In the access permit drawing, Michigan residents and nonresidents are equally eligible for selection and license purchase.

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Application information

When is the application period for the 2024 antlerless deer hunting access permit drawing?
The application period is July 15 - Aug. 15, 2024.

How much is an application?
An application is $5.

How many antlerless deer hunting access permit applications can I purchase?
You can only purchase one antlerless deer hunting access permit application per year. In 2024, you can apply for an antlerless deer access permit valid for DMU 352 only.

Can I apply to hunt with other hunters?
No. You cannot apply in a party with other hunters in the Upper Peninsula antlerless deer hunting access permit drawing.

What identification do I need to purchase an application?
To purchase an antlerless deer hunting access permit application in Michigan, you must have one of the following forms of identification:

  • Valid Michigan driver’s license.
  • Valid nonresident driver’s license.
  • State of Michigan ID card (issued by the Secretary of State).
  • DNR Sportcard (issued by any license agent, online at or on the Michigan DNR Hunt Fish app).

Where can I purchase an application?
You can purchase an application from any license agent, online at or through the Michigan DNR Hunt Fish app. The app is available for download at the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. Find a license agent at

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Eligible applicants

Who is eligible to apply for the drawing?
The following people are eligible to apply for an antlerless deer hunting access permit (unless they have an active revocation or otherwise ineligible):

  • A person who is 9 years old or younger and is licensed under the Mentored Hunting Program.
  • A person who is 10 years old or older during the hunt period for which the person is applying for and is hunter safety-certified or licensed as an apprentice hunter or licensed under an inclusive mentored license.

I am an apprentice hunter. Can I apply for the drawing?
Yes. If you are licensed under the Apprentice Hunting Program, you can purchase an application for an antlerless deer hunting access permit. See the Apprentice hunting section for more information.

I am not a resident of Michigan. Can I apply for the drawing?
Yes. You can apply in the Upper Peninsula antlerless deer hunting access permit drawing as a nonresident.

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How to apply for an Upper Peninsula antlerless deer hunting access permit

How do I apply for the drawing? 

  1. Look at the Upper Peninsula antlerless DMU map to view DMU 352.
  2. Make note of the corresponding hunt number and be sure to select this number when purchasing your application.
  3. Purchase an application for the hunt number you choose (you can select one hunt number).
  4. Check your receipt for accuracy and retain it as proof of your application.
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Application assistance

The receipt I received is not printed clearly or has an error. What do I do?
You are responsible for obtaining a DNR application receipt that correctly states your customer ID and hunt choice. Do not accept a receipt that is not legible. Check your receipt for accuracy and retain it as proof that you applied. Ensure any application errors are corrected prior to the application deadline. If you submit an invalid application, you will be ineligible for the drawing.

I am having trouble applying. What do I do?
You can call 517-284-9453 for assistance.

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Drawing results

When will drawing results be available?
Drawing results will be available on Aug. 26, 2024.

How do I check my drawing results?
You can check your drawing results online at, through the Michigan DNR Hunt Fish app or by calling 517-284-9453. You are responsible for obtaining your drawing results.

What happens if I am selected for an access permit in the drawing?
You can obtain the access permit for which you were selected. Access permits are free. You can obtain your access permit from any license agent, online at or through the Michigan DNR Hunt Fish app.

Can I sell my drawing success?
No. You cannot sell your drawing success. It is unlawful for an individual to receive a fee, other consideration or service of value, either directly or indirectly, for transferring drawing success to another person or assisting and/or guiding that person in the hunt after it has been transferred.

When are left-over antlerless deer hunting access permits available?
All remaining antlerless deer hunting access permits for DMU 352 will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis beginning Sept. 3 at 10 a.m. Eastern Time until the quota of 500 is met. There is no guarantee that leftover access permits will be available.

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