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Cultural/Scientific Research Permits
Research on state land may require a land use permit
Please carefully read the information below to see if you need a permit. If you have any questions, please use the contact information under the appropriate section.
Research done on Parks and Recreation land (state parks, recreation areas, boating access sites, rail trails, state forest campgrounds)
All research activities within state parks, recreation areas, boating access sites, rail trails, state forest campgrounds and state trailheads requires a land use permit.
Contact for questions and sending application:
Alicia Ihnken, stewardship analyst and research coordinator
E-mail (preferred method of submittal):
Mail: PO Box 30257, Lansing, MI 48909-7757
Fax: 517-284-6129Application Process:
Please fill out and submit a non-event use permit application.
Attach a separate research proposal document to the permit application. At a minimum, this proposal must include:
- Names of all people to be included on permit (including research associates/students).
- A map or detailed description of study area location(s) within the park(s) - indicate on a park map if possible.
- Schedule - start and end dates for field work in the park(s). Note that use permits will only be issued through the end of one calendar year, at which time the applicant must submit a brief progress report and renewal request.
- Describe the need for the research.
- Explain why this research should be done at this location.
- Describe any expected benefits of the project to the natural or cultural resources at the location and/or to more effective protection or management of those resources.
- Methods - include a description of any plant or animal collection, potential damage to vegetation and a description of all equipment and plot markers that will be used on site and for how long they will remain on site.
- Type of report expected from this project (i.e., refereed journal article, thesis, dissertation, book, unpublished report) and projected completion date of report.
Please allow up to three weeks for the application to be processed from the time that a complete application is received.
Use permit applications for research do not need to be accompanied by any application or review fees. Most research projects will require no fees, bonding or insurance, but will require submittal of a report at the conclusion of the project in place of monetary payment.
Research done on State Forest land
You need a land use permit if you will be in violation of state land rules (such as leaving equipment onsite overnight or damaging vegetation).
To apply, please complete a non-event use permit application and send it to the forest management unit where you plan to do your research.
If you are not sure if you need a permit, or have other questions, please contact:
Matt Fry
Land Use Program Leader
Forestry Division
Phone: 517-284-5862OR
Contact your nearest Customer Service Center for assistance.
Research done on State Game Areas or other Wildlife Division land
You need a land use permit if you will be in violation of state land rules (such as leaving equipment onsite overnight or damaging vegetation).
To apply, please complete a non-event use permit application and send it to the land management unit where you plan to do your research.
If you are not sure if you need a permit, or have other questions, please contact your nearest customer service center or field office for assistance.
Additional Information
This use permit does not eliminate the need for additional permits which may be required by law.
For example, if you plan to:
- Collect or handle a species listed as threatened or endangered in Michigan, a Threatened/Endangered Species Permit is required from the DNR's Wildlife Division
- Collect or handle a federally listed threatened or endangered species, a federal permit is required
- Collect or handle certain aquatic, reptile or amphibian species, you need a Cultural or Scientific Collectors Permit from the DNR's Fisheries Division
- Collect or handle certain bird/mammal species, you need a Scientific Collector's Permit from the DNR's Wildlife Division