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Proposed Changes - Bear Management Plan

The current bear management plan was finalized in 2009, and is currently in the process of being updated. Input was previously gathered from bear management stakeholders and citizens on the 2009 plan. The summary of proposed changes to the plan are listed below.

Original Plan Management Goals Proposed Changes To Management Goals Changes Made?
5.1 Maintain a Sustainable Population within Biological Carrying Capacity Goal 1. Manage for a Sustainable Population within Biological and Social Carrying Capacity Yes
5.2 Facilitate Bear-Related Benefits Existence value, ecological roles,
recreational viewing opportunities, recreation hunting
Goal 2. Facilitate Bear-Related Benefits Existence value, ecological roles, recreational
viewing opportunities, recreation hunting
5.3 Minimize Bear-Related Conflicts Apiaries, orchards, other crops,
domestic animals, anxieties of bears in residential or rec areas, impacts
on other game species, bird feeders
Goal 3. Minimize Bear-Related Conflicts Apiaries, orchards, other crops, domestic
animals, anxieties of bears in residential or rec areas, impacts on other game
species, bird feeders
5.4 Conduct Science-Based and Socially Acceptable Management Goal 4. Conduct Science-Based and Socially Responsible Management Yes


Original Plan Strategies Proposed Changes To Strategies Changes Made?
6.1 Use Hunting as the Primary Tool for Maintaining a Sustainable Bear
Population Within Social and Biological Limits
Strategy 1. Use Hunting as the Primary Tool for Maintaining a Sustainable Bear Population
Within Social and Biological Carrying Capacity
6.2 Manage Social Aspects of Bear Recreation to Reduce User-Conflicts
and Maintain Recreational Opportunities
Strategy 2. Manage Social Aspects of Bear Recreation to Reduce User-Conflicts and
Maintain Recreational Opportunities
6.3 Increase Public Awareness and Understanding of Bears
and Bear-Related Issues
Strategy 3. Increase Public Awareness and Understanding of Bears and Bear-Related Issues No
6.4 Maintain Active Bear Research and Monitoring Programs Strategy 4. Maintain Active Bear Research and Monitoring Programs No
6.5 Maintain Habitat Necessary to Sustain Desired Bear Populations Strategy 5. Maintain Habitat Necessary to Sustain Desired Bear Populations No
6.6 Achieve Compatibility between Bear Distribution and Abundance
and Social Carrying Capacity
6.7 Manage Negative Bear-Human Interactions Strategy 6. Manage Bear-Human Interactions Yes


Original Bear Plan - Objectives for Strategy 6.1 Proposed Changes - Objectives for Strategy 1 Changes Made?
6.1.1 Encourage agency and public participation in development of harvest
strategies and regulations
Objective 1.1 Develop recommendations regarding harvest strategies and regulations
with participation from agencies and the public
6.1.2 Maintain bear populations at desired levels through a tiered management
approach that uses eco-regional goals as well as bear management unit objectives
Objective 1.2 Maintain bear populations at desired abundance levels in bear
management units
6.1.3 Use bear management units to distribute hunters and bear harvest within
Objective 1.3 Use bear management units to distribute hunters and bear harvest
within regions
6.1.4 Set license quota to achieve regional harvest Objective 1.4 Set license quota to achieve desired bear management unit harvest Yes
6.1.5 Allow bear population to expand naturally into southern Michigan to the
extent social acceptance allows
Objective 1.5 Allow bear population to expand naturally into southern Michigan
to the extent social acceptance allows


Original Bear Plan - Objectives for Strategy 6.2 Proposed Changes - Objectives for Strategy 2 Changes Made?
6.2.1 Season structure and timing changes and evaluation related to
recreational conflict
Objective 2.1 Use and evaluate season structure and timing changes to reduce recreational
conflicts and promote opportunities
6.2.2 Reduce trespass conflicts between bear houndsmen and private
Objective 2.2 Work cooperatively with partners to reduce trespass conflicts between bear
hound hunters and private landowners
6.2.3 Reduce conflicts relating to bear baiting regulations Objective 2.3 Reduce conflicts relating to bear baiting regulations No
6.2.4 Encourage the retention of hunting opportunities Objective 2.4 Encourage the retention and promotion of hunting opportunities Yes


Original Bear Plan - Objectives for Strategy 6.3 Proposed Changes - Objectives for Strategy 3 Changes Made?
6.3.1 Coordinate with partners to develop and implement a bear-based
information and education program
Objective 3.1 Coordinate with partners on a bear-based information and education
6.3.2 Support training opportunities for staff and partners involved in the
bear-based information and education program
Objective 3.2 Support training opportunities for staff and partners involved in the
bear-based information and education program
6.3.3 Evaluate the effectiveness of the bear-based information and
education program
Objective 3.3 Evaluate the effectiveness of the bear-based information and education
program and adapt program based on results
N/A Objective 3.4 Promote consistent public understanding of the benefits and costs associated
with particular bear abundance levels


Original Bear Plan - Objectives for Strategy 6.4 Proposed Changes - Objectives for Strategy 4 Changes Made?
6.4.1 Monitor the abundance of bears in Michigan Objective 4.1 Monitor the abundance of bears in Michigan No
6.4.2 Monitor the health of bears in Michigan Objective 4.2 Monitor the health of bears in Michigan No
6.4.3 Investigate biological and social factors relevant to bear management Objective 4.3 Investigate biological and social factors relevant to bear management No
6.4.4 Coordinate with partners to support a bear research program Objective 4.4 Coordinate with partners to support a bear research program No


Original Bear Plan - Objectives for Strategy 6.5 Proposed Changes - Objectives for Strategy 5 Changes Made?
6.5.1 Promote maintenance of large ownership blocks and large contiguous
forest areas
Objective 5.1 Work with DNR and partners to promote maintenance of large
ownership blocks and large contiguous forest areas
6.5.2 Maintain habitat linkages to allow bear dispersal Objective 5.2 Maintain habitat linkages to allow bear dispersal No
6.5.3 Provide direction for local, regional, and statewide habitat planning
efforts within the DNR and with other agencies and private landowners
on bear habitat requirements
Objective 5.3 Provide direction for local, regional, and statewide habitat planning
efforts within the DNR and with other agencies and private landowners on bear
habitat requirements


Original Bear Plan - Objectives for Strategy 6.6 Proposed Changes - Objectives for Strategy 6 Changes Made?
6.6.1 Promote consistent public understanding and appreciation of the
benefits and costs associated with particular bear levels
Moved to strategy 3 Yes
6.6.2 Manage bear-related interactions to increase public tolerance for bears Moved to new strategy 6 Yes


Original Bear Plan - Objectives for Strategy 6.7 Proposed Changes - Objectives for Strategy 6 Changes Made?
6.7.1 Promote accurate public perceptions of the human-safety risks posed
by bears and minimize actual human-safety threats
Objective 6.1 Promote accurate public perceptions of the human-safety risks posed by
bears and minimize actual human-safety threats
6.7.2 Provide timely and professional responses to reports of bear damage Objective 6.2 Provide timely and professional responses to reports of bear damage No
6.7.3 Minimize the occurrence of negative human-bear interactions Objective 6.3 Minimize the frequency of negative human-bear interactions Yes
N/A Objective 6.4 Manage bear-related interactions to increase public tolerance for bears Yes