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What In The Wild card game

What in the Wild banner - cartoon raccoon, frog, dragonfly, butterfly

What In The Wild card game

Do you have what it takes to make a home for wildlife?

"What in the Wild" contains a deck of 120 cards and rules for five different games. Cards contain plant and animal species and the food, water, shelter and space they need to survive.

Much as with wildlife conservation in the real world, the games of "What in the Wild" focus on cooperation, collaboration and side-by-side competition, rather than head-to-head competition.

The games are designed with children and families in mind, with variations that let you ramp up the challenge as players get older. Some games are easy enough for school-aged children to learn, while others are challenging enough to keep adults engaged.

Games include:

  • Match It! A memory game where you explore the different types of habitat elements and which species use them.
  • Connect It! A cooperative game of map building to construct a resilient ecosystem before time runs out.
  • Slap It! A fast-paced race to assemble habitat for as many species as you can.
  • Group It! A push your luck set collection game.
  • Build It! A collaborative game of habitat creation.

What you get:

  • "What in the Wild" deck (120 cards)
  • Rulebook explaining how to play each game

Purchase What in the Wild »

Where proceeds go:

Proceeds are used to distribute copies of the game to educators across Michigan for use in their classrooms to complement our "Go Wild for Michigan's Wildlife" curriculum package.