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Warren Dunes Nature Study Area

Recognition: Legally Dedicated Natural Area 

Size: 488 acres

Location: In Berrien County, three miles SW of Bridgman

Management: Warren Dunes State Park

Activities: Hiking, wildflower viewing, outdoor education, photography, bird watching, cross-country skiing

Importance: Includes both active, modern dunes which rise high above Lake Michigan and a complex of stabilized fossil dunes from former lake levels. The pattern of dune ridges enclosing smaller interlocking ridges, where the dunes are of very different ages, creates a complex of unusual geological features. The area, with open and wooded dunes, and large blowouts, provides habitat for many plants and animals of special concern. During April and May, wildflower viewing is best in the wooded area behind the dunes along the stream, west and adjacent to the natural area. Large white trillium and the interesting wild ginger are abundant along with several other spring wildflowers.