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Mi-HUNT help and map layer definitions

This is the Mi-HUNT help page for the interactive mapping application, and describes layers seen (below). Help is also provided through tutorial videos.  Questions and comments, email

Recreational facilities

Boating access sites - There are over 1,300 public boating access sites and over 80 harbors and marinas throughout Michigan administered by state, county and local units of government.

State forest campgrounds - Michigan state forest campgrounds are located throughout the northern Lower Peninsula and Upper Peninsula, they provide over 3,000 campsites in nearly 4 million acres of state forest. Every campsite is located on a river or lake providing excellent recreational opportunities.

Wildlife area offices - Location of DNR Wildlife Division field offices throughout the state.

Wildlife area parking lots - Places to park while using state game and wildlife areas.

Boat launches (DNR Wildlife) - DNR Wildlife Division-managed/maintained boat launches associated with state game and wildlife areas that are generally designed for small watercraft.

Hunting lands

Military ranges and Hanson Refuge - These are relatively large state-owned public lands that are closed to hunting.

State game and wildlife areas - State-owned lands managed by the DNR for wildlife restoration and hunting opportunities.

State forest lands - State-owned lands managed by the DNR for sustainable production of forest, wildlife, mineral and fishery resources and for forest-based recreation including hunting.

State parks (open) - State-owned lands managed by the DNR as state parks and recreation areas. Select state parks are open to hunting. (Each park has its own restrictions to hunting availability.)

Federal lands - A combination of National Park Service-, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service- and U.S. Forest Service-managed lands.

Commercial forest lands - Approximately 2.2 million acres of private land managed as commercial forest and open to the public for hunting. There are nearly 1,700 private landowners, including individuals, clubs, forest industry and other businesses.

Hunting Access Program - Private land in southern Michigan where landowners are paid to provide hunters access to their lands, which in turn provides quality hunting opportunities close to urban areas.

Mi-HUNT cover types

Cover type grid - A grid showing the boundary of each downloadable Mi-HUNT vegetation cover type map.

Cover types - A vegetation cover layer derived from DNR and National Forest land inventory datasets. The Mi-HUNT cover type layer is a simplified combined inventory layer focused on the most important vegetation types useful for planning a hunting trip.


Trails - Shows locations of a variety of recreation trails throughout the state.

Town, range and section

Public Land Survey System (PLSS) townships and sections.

1836 treaty boundary - The territory ceded in the 1836 Treaty of Washington. Tribes can exercise their rights, under the 2007 Consent Decree, to hunt, fish and gather on tribal lands or state lands, and hunt and fish on lands enrolled under the Commercial Forest Act (CFA) if the CFA-enrolled tract is 1,000 acres or more in aggregate. Tribal hunting and fishing is not allowed on private property, with the exception of these larger CFA lands.

Town and range - Public Land Survey System (PLSS) townships.

Public Land Survey System sections - Public Land Survey System (PLSS) sections.

Map base features and aerial imagery

Roads, lakes, rivers and hybrid imagery - Are all derived from Bing Maps map services.

Topo - United States Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5 minute topographic quadrangles.

Leaf ON 2009 - National Aerial Imagery Program (NAIP) imagery acquired in 2009 with leaves on the trees and portrayed in a natural color rendition.

Leaf OFF 1998 - United States Geological Survey (USGS) imagery acquired with color-infrared film in 1998 with leaves off the trees.