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DNR shooting range rules

General rules

  • The gated parking lots are designated for range participants only.
  • Range hours have been established to ensure safety and to protect the ranges against vandalism. Shooting is allowed only when DNR range personnel are present.
  • Range firearms must be unloaded and cased in order to enter the range.
  • Shooters under the age of 16 must be supervised by an adult.
  • Range firearms may be uncased only at the shooting stations on the firing lines. They must be cased prior to leaving the shooting station.
  • Shooters must keep their range firearms pointed in a safe direction at all times.
  • Range firearms may be loaded and discharged only at an established shooting station at approved targets.
  • Only approved targets may be used; no human-form silhouettes or metal targets. Paper targets with a bullseye pattern or a depiction of legal game may be used.
  • No alcoholic beverages are allowed at the ranges. Individuals under the influence of alcohol or drugs are not permitted on the firing line.
  • Shooters are responsible for keeping their shooting area in order and properly disposing of all targets, trash and shell casings.
  • For your protection, range participants are responsible for providing – and required to wear – eye and ear protection.

Rifle/pistol range rules

  • One Shot Rule: A blanket permit has been issued, which allows more than one round to be loaded at a time on the rifle/pistol ranges. Up to six rounds may be loaded in the magazine and chamber combined, with a minimum of three seconds required between shots. Range officers may suspend this permission, based on their discretion, when conditions exist that may compromise the safety of the shooters and others.
  • The 25-, 50-, 100- and 200-yard ranges are designated for hand-held rifles (.50 caliber BMG and larger centerfire rifles are prohibited), muzzleloaders (not exceeding .80 caliber), pistols, revolvers and shotguns with slugs only.
  • The 10-yard ranges are designated for pistols and revolvers only.
  • Paper targets must be fastened to backboards. Targets may not be set up partway downrange.
  • Firearms can be loaded at and discharged only from established shooting stations on the firing line and only under the direction of a range officer.
  • Muzzles must always be kept pointed downrange.
  • All range firearms must be unloaded with action open, except when being fired.
  • During a target check, shooters must move behind the yellow line and are not permitted to re-enter the shooting line until the range command – “All clear downrange. You may commence fire. Commence fire.” – is given.
  • Range firearms may not be taken downrange.
  • No incendiary, explosive and/or tracer ammunition.
  • No open flame or lighted smoking materials are allowed on the firing line, apron or transfer table areas. Smoking is allowed in designated areas only.

Muzzleloader range rules

  • Only the original container, flask or cow horn – holding one pound or less of black powder, pyrodex or other black powder substitute – may be used.
  • Muzzleloaders must be loaded from a separate powder measure only, not from a container, even if it is equipped with a measuring device – and only at the shooting stations.
  • No open powder or flammable powder solvent containers are allowed on the firing line except when loading.
  • Range firearms larger than .80 caliber are prohibited.
  • Before a target check occurs, all range muzzleloaders must be discharged and have no obstruction in the barrel.

Trap range rules

  • Only target and low brass shells with light loads, 71/2 – 9, are allowed.
  • Only one shell may be loaded. If doubles are being thrown, two shells may be loaded.
  • Only clay targets may be used.
  • Shooters are to bring a target thrower and clay targets to Ortonville, Pontiac Lake, Rose Lake and Sharonville.

Shotgun patterning rules

  • Only one shell may be loaded.
  • No buckshot or slug shooting is allowed.