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Direct Care Staff Training for Certified Facilities


To comply with certification Rule 330.1806(2)(3)(4) direct care staff providing resident care must be trained using either the approved curriculum, "Providing Residential Services in Community Settings: A Training Guide" or an approved alternative curriculum. The Providing Residential Services curriculum is the approved curriculum for direct care staff that work in adult foster care homes that are licensed to provide services to individuals that have a mental illness or a developmental disability. This curriculum was a collaboration of multiple departments and individuals knowledgeable and experienced in areas outlined in the curriculum. The curriculum, as a foundational guide, continues to be applicable. 

The components of individual topics within the curriculum have evolved as standards relating to the care of adults have advanced. Due to this fact, current standards and practices applicable to direct care staff training for certified facilities must be used. For example: Providing Residential Services references the Food Guide Pyramid whereas current USDA Dietary Guidelines use MyPlate. 

The Providing Residential Services in Community Settings training is listed below, identified by specific modules/topics: 

A. Introduction to Community Residential Services - Your Roles as Direct Care Staff 
Providing Residential Services in Community Settings 

B. Recipient Rights Module (Revised 7/09) 
ORR Group Home Training Curriculum 

C. Working with People: Introduction to Human Needs, Values, Guiding Principals, and Effective Teaching Strategies  
Working with People Introduction to Human needs Values Guiding Principles 

D. Nutrition and Food Service  
Nutrition and Food Service

E. Environmental Emergencies: Preventing, Preparing, and Responding  
Environmental Emergencies Preventing Preparing and Responding

F. Working with People: Positive Techniques to Address Challenging Behavior  
Working with People Positive Techniques to Address Challenging Behavior

G. Basic Health and Medications      
Basic Health and Medications

H. Advanced Health and Medications      
Advanced Health and Medications

I. Responding to Life Threatening Situations: CPR and First Aid Requirements      
Responding to Life Threatening Situations: CPR and First Aid Requirements

If you are seeking direct care staff training locations, please contact your potential adult foster care employer or your local community mental health agency to inquire.