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Local Government & Law Enforcement Resources

The Michigan Liquor Control Commission understands the important role that local units of government and local law enforcement agencies play in helping to enforce the Liquor Control Code. The resources below have been provided to assist local governmental units and law enforcement.


Images of License and Permit Documents
Concerned about whether a license document is valid?  Click the link above for sample images of what licensing documents look like to help determine authenticity.

Brief Description of All License and Permit Types
Contains a list of license and permit types and briefly describes what the licenses and permits allow a licensee to do.  The descriptions indicate, where applicable, whether a license counts against a local governmental unit's quota and whether or not local legislative approval is required for approval of a license or permit.

Search For Licenses By Local Governmental Unit
Contains detailed information on active and escrowed retailer, manufacturer, and wholesaler licensees, including violation history.

Listing of Active, Conditional, and Escrowed Licenses
Excel data containing data on all current active, conditional, and escrowed licenses sorted by county, local governmental unit, and Business ID.  The data on this website is updated weekly, but please note that as licenses transfer and new licenses are issued, the data is constantly changing and may not represent the current status of licenses.  This list does not include listings of Salesperson, Vendor Representative, Broker, or Special Licenses.

Local Governmental Unit Quota Search
The Local Government Unit (LGU) Quota Search shows how many quota retailer-tier licenses are allowed, issued, and allocated in a city, village, or township based on the LGU's population.  If the LGU is listed as "dry", the sale of spirits for on premises consumption is prohibited. In addition, a number of local units of government have not approved the sale of beer, wine, or spirits: in Allegan County - Fillmore Township and Overisel Township; in Gratiot County - Washington Township; and in Ottawa County - Olive Township and Zeeland Township.

License Request Status Search
Check the status of pending applications for licensure—searchable by local governmental unit.

Local Governmental Unit / Law Enforcement Approval Charts
Details which retailer-tier licenses do and do not require local governmental or law enforcement approval.

Local Governmental Unit Approval Form (LCC-106)
This form may be used by a local governmental unit's legislative body to approve or disapprove license applications that require local governmental approval.

Local Governmental Unit Sunday Sales Opt-Out List
List of localities that prohibit the sale of spirits for on or off premises consumption on Sunday.

Requirements for Social Districts and Social District Permits
Details on the requirements for local governmental units to establish a Social District pursuant to MCL 436.1551 and the requirements for licensees to apply for a Social District Permit.

List of Social Districts Established by Local Governmental Units
List of localities that have established a Social District pursuant to MCL 436.1551.

List of Social District Permits Issued to Licensees Sorted by Local Governmental Unit

Legalization of Sale of Spirits for On Premises Consumption

Pursuant to the Michigan Liquor Control Code, MCL 436.2101, a local governmental unit may allow the sale of spirits, in addition to beer and wine, for on premises consumption.  The local legislative body may vote to approve it or the voters may approve it by a ballot initiative held on a regular election date.

If the local governmental unit previously prohibited spirits through a submitted resolution, then it may rescind/reverse its action via a new resolution. Likewise, if the local governmental unit never adopted a resolution to legalize spirits after prohibition ended, a resolution may be submitted now for legalization purposes.  If the prohibition of spirits by the local governmental unit was done via a ballot initiative, the only option then is to take it up on another ballot and put it to a vote.  Once that vote is tallied, a form, completed by the Board of Canvassers, will need to be provided along with the results from the election.

A local governmental unit may use the sample forms below to submit to the Commission or submit its own certification that contains comparable language to approve the sale of spirits for on premises consumption in its jurisdiction.

Certificate of Board of Canvassers on Referendum on Sale of Spirits

Certification of Legislative Body on Sale of Spirits

Objections to Renewals by Local Governmental Unit

MCL 436.1501(2) provides that the legislative body of a local governmental unit may object to the renewal of a liquor license prior to the annual license expiration date of April 30.  The local governmental unit must submit its written objection to the renewal of a license not less than 30 days before the expiration date of the license.  On the rare occasion that the Commission extends the renewal expiration date past April 30, the local governmental unit must submit the written objection not less than 30 days before that date.


Images of License and Permit Documents
Concerned about whether a license document is valid?  Click the link above for sample images of what licensing documents look like to help determine authenticity.

Law Enforcement Officer’s Field Brochure

Law Enforcement Inspection Form

Law Enforcement Violation Report Form (LCC-600)

Report of Passed Control Buy Operations (LCC-602)

Common Liquor Code Violations

Information on Alcoholic Beverage Consumption and Sampling in Unlicensed Premises


Law Grant Payments to Local Governmental Units