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Change of Administrator or DON

LTC Change of Administrator or Director of Nursing

For a change in a nursing home administrator (NHA) or director of nursing (DON), please follow the instructions below and email

  • The person submitting the request must have the authority to submit such a change for the licensee
  • Verify the NHA or DON license is active and in good standing prior to submission - Verify a License
  • Email must include the following information:
    • Facility name, address, and CCN/provider # OR state facility ID, if known
    • Full name and professional license # of new NHA or DON
    • Business email and phone number of new NHA or DON
    • Effective start date of the change in the NHA or DON

Submission of a request to change the NHA means the licensee has assured that the new administrator is licensed and in good standing under Part 173 of the Public Health Code and also complies with MCL 333.21720.

Submission of a request to change the DON means the licensee has assured that the new director is licensed and in good standing under Part 172 of the Public Health Code and also complies with MCL 333.21720a and Rule 325.20701.

Contact Information

Michigan Department of Licensing & Regulatory Affairs
Bureau of Community and Health Systems
611 W. Ottawa Street
PO Box 30664
Lansing, MI 48909

Federal Survey and Certification Division

Phone: 517-284-8953
FAX: (517) 763-0214 