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Auto-Injectable Epinephrine and Anaphylaxis Training

Public Act 221 of 2015 allows an authorized entity, as defined in MCL 333.17744a(5)(B), to acquire and stock a supply of auto-injectable epinephrine.  Before providing or administering auto-injectable epinephrine, an employee, agent or other individual of the authorized entity must complete an initial anaphylaxis training program and a subsequent anaphylaxis training program every 2 years.

An anaphylaxis training program must meet all the following requirements:

  • Is conducted by a nationally recognized organization experienced in training laypersons in emergency health treatment or by a person, entity, or class of individuals approved by Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA);

  • Is conducted online or in person;

  • Issues a certificate to each individual who successfully completes the program; and

  • Includes, at a minimum, all of the topics:

  • Techniques on how to recognize symptoms of severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis;

  • Standards and procedures for the storage and administration of auto-injectable epinephrine; and

  • Emergency follow-up procedures.

If you want a training program to be approved by the department, please email the details to and it will be reviewed for compliance and possible approval by LARA.

Auto-Injectable Epinephrine and Anaphylaxis Reporting

The authorized entity must report to LARA each incident that involves the administration of auto-injectable epinephrine that occurs on the premises of, or in connection with, the conduct of the business or activity of the authorized entity.

The reporting form can be emailed to LARA at or faxed to 517-241-7535. The deadline for reporting incidents within each calendar year is December 31st.

LARA Approved Training

If you wish to have a training program approved by the department, please email the details to and it will be reviewed for compliance and possible approval by LARA.
