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Equine Trails Subcommittee

About the subcommittee

The subcommittee, an advisory group created as a subcommittee of the Michigan Trails Advisory Council, provides guidance and recommendations on a statewide network of pack and saddle trails.

Meeting information

Date Time Location
March 13, 2024 1-4:30 p.m.

Delta Township Hall
Room C
7710 W. Saginaw Hwy
Lansing, MI 48917

Or join Microsoft Teams meeting on your computer or mobile app
Meeting ID: 244 248 525 888
Passcode: kGEhJL

Or call in (audio only):
248-509-0316 / 470671596# United States, Pontiac
Phone Conference ID: 470 671 596#

June 12, 2024 1-4:30 p.m.

Grayling Township Hall
2090 Viking Way
Grayling, MI 49738

Or join Microsoft Teams meeting on your computer or mobile app
Meeting ID: 222 151 416 376
Passcode: CSBaGf

Or call in (audio only):
248-509-0316 / 777642330# United States, Pontiac
Phone Conference ID: 777 642 330#

Sept. 11, 2024 1-4:30 p.m.

Ralph A. Macmullan Conference Center
104 Conservation Dr.
Roscommon MI 48653

Or join Microsoft Teams meeting on your computer or mobile app
Meeting ID: 237 880 518 537
Passcode: HT4uJK

Or call in (audio only):
248-509-0316 / 947434377# United States, Pontiac
Phone Conference ID: 947 434 377#

Nov. 13, 2023 1-4:30 p.m.

DNR Outdoor Adventure Center
1801 Atwater St.
Detroit, MI 48207

Or join Microsoft Teams meeting on your computer or mobile app
Meeting ID: 280 156 769 985
Passcode: SE8ZJm

Or call in (audio only):
248-509-0316 / 885578960# United States, Pontiac
Phone Conference ID: 885 578 960#

Guidelines to address the workgroup

All persons wishing to address the workgroup must declare their intent by completing a DNR Trails Advisory Committees public hearing comment card prior to, or during the public appearance portion of the meeting. Those addressing the workgroup will be requested to identify their name, address and the organization, if any, that they belong to. In instances in which a person is representing an organization, the presenter should indicate whether their comments represent the official views of the organization. Those contacting the staff assistant on or before the Friday preceding the meeting will be allowed five minutes for their presentation. Those signing up after the Friday preceding the meeting will be allowed up to three minutes at the discretion of the chairperson. The public appearance segment of the meeting will last until closed by the chairperson or by vote of the workgroup.

Upcoming and recent agendas