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AU SABLE TOWNSHIP - R317.135.1 - Hunting prohibited.

1. Hunting for any wild animal or wildbird with a firearm or bow and arrow, or the discharge of a firearm or bow and arrow, is prohibited in the northwest 1/4 of section 5, and the northeast 1/4 of section 6, town 23 north, range 9 east, AuSable township, Iosco county.

History: Eff. Aug. 14, 1968

OSCODA TOWNSHIP, PROTION OF SECTIONS 5 AND 6 - R317.135.2 - Hunting restricted.

2. Hunting with, or the discharge of, a rifle is unlawful within the area of Oscoda township, Iosco county, beginning at a point where VanEttan Lake road intersects with Kings Corner road; thence south 1/4 mile to the 1/8 line of section 6, T24N, R9E; thence east 3/4 of a mile on the 1/8 line of section 6, T24N, R9E, to the 1/8 line of section 5, T24N, R9E; thence north on the 1/8 line of section 5, T24N, R9E, to Kings Corner road; thence west on Kings Corner road to the point of beginning.

History: Eff. May 9, 1980

OSCODA TOWNSHIP, PORTION OF SECTION 33 - R317.135.3 - Hunting prohibited.

3. Hunting with, or the discharge of, a firearm is unlawful in those portions of section 33, T24N, R9E, Oscoda township, Iosco county, described as follows:

(a) South of the AuSable river bounded on the west by a line extending north from Grass Lake road, on the east by the D&M Railroad tracks, and on the south by the River road.

(b) North of the AuSable river bounded on the west by the Three Pipes drain, on the east by the D&M Railroad tracks, and on the north by Wurtsmith Air Force base.

History: Eff. Feb. 24, 1984