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BEAVERHOUSE LAKE - R281.748.5 - Motorboats prohibited.

5. On the waters of Beaverhouse lake, sections 33 and 34, town 49 north, range 11 west, McMillan township, Luce county, it is unlawful to operate a motorboat.

History: Eff. August 17, 1974

BRUSH LAKE - R281.748.6 - Motorboats prohibited.

6. On the waters of Brush lake, section 34, town 49 north, range 11 west, McMillan township, Luce county, it is unlawful to operate a motorboat.

History: Eff. August 17, 1974

BULLHEAD LAKE - R281.748.8 - Motorboats prohibited.

8. On the waters of Bullhead lake, section 34, town 49 north, range 11 west, McMillan township, Luce county, it is unlawful to operate a motorboat.

History: Eff. August 17, 1974

CAMP EIGHT LAKE - R281.748.4 - Motorboats prohibited.

4. On the waters of Camp Eight lake, section 34, town 49 north, range 11 west, McMillan township, Luce county, it is unlawful to operate a motorboat.

History: Eff. August 17, 1974

DEER LAKE - R281.748.12 - Motorboats prohibited.

12. On the waters of Deer lake, sections 27 and 34, town 49 north, range 11 west, McMillan township, Luce county, it is unlawful to operate a motorboat.

History: Eff. August 17, 1974

FOX RIVER, EAST BRANCH - R281.748.2 - Slow-no wake speed.

2. On the waters of the east branch of the Fox river from the M-28 highway bridge on section 33, town 46 north, range 12 west upstream to the west line of section 18, town 46 north, range 12 west, Columbus township, Luce county, it is unlawful for the operator of a vessel to exceed a slow-no wake speed.

History: Eff. January 23, 1973

LONG LAKE - R281.748.7 - Motorboats prohibited.

7. On the waters of Long lake, section 34, town 49 north, range 11 west, McMillan township, Luce county, it is unlawful to operate a motorboat.

History: Eff. August 17, 1974

OTTER LAKE - R281.748.9 - Motorboats prohibited.

9. On the waters of Otter lake, section 34, town 49 north, range 11 west, McMillan township, Luce county, it is unlawful to operate a motorboat.

History: Eff. August 17, 1974

PRATT LAKE - R281.748.10 - Motorboats prohibited.

10. On the waters of Pratt Lake, sections 28 and 33, town 49 north, range 11 west, McMillan township, Luce county, it is unlawful to operate a motorboat.

History: Eff. August 17, 1974

PRETTY LAKE - R281.748.3 - Motorboats prohibited.

3. On the waters of Pretty lake, section 34, town 49 north , range 11 west, McMillan township, Luce county, it is unlawful to operate a motorboat.

History: Eff. August 17, 1974

SID LAKE - R281.748.11 - Motorboats prohibited.

11. On the waters of Sid lake, section 33, town 49 north, range 11 west, McMillan township, Luce county, it is unlawful to operate a motorboat.

History: Eff. August 17, 1974

TAHQUAMENON RIVER, DOLLARVILLE FLOODING - R281.748.1 - High-speed boating and water skiing prohibited.

1. On the waters of the Tahquamenon river downstream from the bridge on section 21, town 46 north, range 11 west, to the dam on section 28, town 46 north, range 10 west, Columbus and McMillan townships, Luce county, it is unlawful to:

(a) Operate a vessel at high speed.

(b) Have in tow, or otherwise assist in the propulsion of, a person on water skis, water sled, surfboard, or other similar contrivance.

History: Eff. March 27, 1973

TWO HEARTED RIVER - R281.748.13 - Motorboats prohibited.

13. On the waters of the Two Hearted river, from the Reed and Green bridge on county road 410, section 11, T49N, R10W, downstream to the United States fish and wildlife service weir, section 27, T50N, R9W, McMillan township, Luce county, it is unlawful to operate a motorboat.

History: Eff. May 1, 1976.

TWO HEARTED RIVER - R281.748.14 - Slow-no wake speed zone.

14. On the waters of the Two Hearted river, from the United States fish and wildlife service weir, downstream to Lake Superior, section 27, T50N, R9W, McMillan township, Luce county, it is unlawful for the operator of a vessel to exceed a slow-no wake speed.

History: Eff. May 1, 1976.