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Operator age restrictions

Restrictions are in effect on the operation of ORVs by children under the age of 16. There also are specific obligations that fall upon the parents or legal guardians of ORV riders under the age of 16 and upon the owners of ORVs.

ORV safety certificate

Operation of 3-wheel ATVs

No one under the age of 16 may operate any 3-wheel ATV.

Operation of 4-wheel ATVs

No one under the age of 10 may operate any 4-wheel ATV except on private land while performing farm-related work operations.

Children 10 and 11 years may operate a 4-wheel ATV only when ALL of the following conditions are met.

  • The ATV is being operated on land owned by the child's parent or guardian.
  • The operator is under the direct visual supervision (see definition below) of an adult.
  • The operator possesses a valid ORV safety certificate.

Children 12 to 15 years may operate a 4-wheel ATV only when BOTH of the following conditions are met.

  • The operator is under the direct visual supervision of an adult.
  • The operator possesses a valid ORV safety certificate.

Operation of other ORVs

Children under 16 years may operate other ORVs (ie. trail bikes) only when BOTH of the following conditions are met.

  • The operator is under the direct visual supervision of an adult.
  • The operator possesses a valid ORV safety certificate.

Restrictions on crossing roads

No child under the age of 12 years may cross any street, highway or county road while operating any ORV.

Children who are at least 12 years may cross streets and roads (only at right angles) if they are under the direct visual supervision of an adult and have a valid ORV safety certificate.

Summary of young operator regulations

  Under 10 years 10-11 years 12-15 years 16 years +
Allowed to operate a 3-wheel ATV? no no no yes
Allowed to operate a 4-wheel ATV? no except on private land while performing farm-related work operations no except on land owned by the parent or guardian, under visual supervision, and with ORV certificate yes if under visual supervision and with ORV certificate yes
Allowed to operate other ORVs (trail bikes, etc.)? yes if under visual supervision and with ORV certificate yes if under visual supervision and with ORV certificate yes if under visual supervision and with ORV certificate yes
Allowed to cross street or highway? no no yes If under visual supervision and with ORV certificate yes

Age and engine size: For your child's safety and comfort, you must match your child with an ORV that is appropriate for his or her size and experience level.