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Hunting rules and regulations

Regulation summaries

These regulation books (formerly called digests) are condensed collections of rules and regulations. The Wildlife Conservation Order contains full listings of regulations and legal descriptions, including the boundaries of management units for each species during their regular hunting seasons.

Download the Michigan DNR Hunt Fish app for quick access to regulation summaries.

Hunting regulation summaries

Harvest reporting

Deer hunters are required to report their harvest within 72 hours or before transferring possession of the deer (to another person, a processer or taxidermist).

Hunters must continue to attach a paper kill tag to a harvested deer. The kill tag should remain with the head if the head and body of the deer are separated.

Deer harvest reporting info

Additional rules and regulations

Baiting and feeding

Find current rules for baiting and feeding deer in the upper and lower peninsulas.

Chronic wasting disease

Up-to-date rules and regulations pertaining to chronic wasting disease.

Dog tracking

Information for individuals tracking wounded game with a dog.

Firearms and bows

Statewide handgun regulations, transporting firearms and bows, safety zones around buildings.

Hunter safety / hunter education

Those born on or after Jan. 1, 1960 must complete hunter education prior to purchasing a license.

Local controls

Some counties have special rules (called 'controls') for hunting, such as where rifles may be used.


Hunting related permits, including permits for hunters with disabilities.

Report poaching

If you witness a natural resource violation, report it immediately. Call or text: 800-292-7800. Phone lines are open 24/7. You can also use the online poaching complaint form (for complaints within Michigan only). Please note, if you use the form there may be a delay between when your complaint is submitted and when it is received. In urgent cases, please call or text instead.

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