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For hunters - list of HAP properties

Please see the Michigan Hunting Regulations Summary for more information about HAP rules.

Lands without a house or building include an approximated address to help hunters navigate close to the headquarters.

Directory revised: 12/06/2024

Click on landowner name for detailed property map. Click the "+" to expand the selection for more information.

County: Landowner Name and Map: Township: Section: Property Location: Headquarters Location: Hunt Types Allowed: Service Type: Hunters Allowed: Total Acres: Wetland Acres: Forest Acres: Grassland or Brush Acres: Crop or Hay or Pasture Acres: Special Notes:
Alcona Buurma, Bruce Gustin 24 On F-41 Hwy (east side), 0.4 miles south of Dewar Rd, Harrisville, MI (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 4 80 0 0 80 0 NA
Alcona Buurma, Bruce Harrisville 18 On S. Coville Rd (west side), about 0.1 miles south of Clard Rd, Harrisville, MI (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 4 123 0 2 5 116 NA
Alcona Love, Roger Gustin 25 On south F-41, 0.3 miles south of East Fowler Rd. Take the drive east up towards the homestead, Harrisville, MI (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 7 182 0 20 162 0 Be aware of safety zone-center of property
Alcona Ross, Louis Mikado 5 Just north of London Road and E Mikado Glennie Rd (F-30 Hwy) on the west side, Mikado, Mi (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 6 74 0 74 0 0 NA
Alcona Sickner, William Mikado 13 On Andrews Rd, 0.5 miles east of F-41 and Andrews Rd (north side), Mikado Twp, MI (Same as Farm Location) Deer Only Self-Service Box 5 86 1 37 48 12 Do not turn around at homestead located at the end of Andrews Rd.
Alpena Bradley, John Green W 27 143 Gamage Rd, Hillman, MI 49746 (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 4 85 0 31 54 0 Main farmstead on barn
Alpena Sumerix, Kendall Wellington 32 On Long Rapids Rd (south side), 0.6 miles west of M-65, Lachine, MI (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 2 46 4 0 0 42 NA
Alpena Sumerix, Kendall Wellington 36 On Long Rapids Rd (south side), 0.3 miles west of Salina Rd, Lachine, MI (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 4 134 2 5 3 124 NA
Alpena Sumerix, Kendall Wellington 36 On Long Rapids Rd (north side), 0.1 miles west of Collins Rd *before curve), Lachine, MI (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 2 55 0 0 1 54 NA
Alpena Werth, Larry Wilson W 20 9294 Werth Rd, Herron, MI 49744 (Same as Farm Location) Youth & Apprentice Only Self-Service Box 11 (split between 4 properties) 32 0 5 27 0 Sign-in box and parking located on King Settlement Rd (across from farm)
Alpena Werth, Larry Wilson W 8 9294 Werth Rd, Herron, MI 49744 (Same as Farm Location) Youth & Apprentice Only Self-Service Box 11 (split between 4 properties) 77 0 24 53 0 Sign-in box and parking located at the 90* curve on Zybtowski Rd
Alpena Werth, Larry Wilson W 29 9294 Werth Rd, Herron, MI 49744 (Same as Farm Location) Youth & Apprentice Only Self-Service Box 11 (split between 4 properties) 69 0 65 4 0 Sign-in box ans parking on Marwede Rd
Alpena Werth, Larry Wilson E 21 9294 Werth Rd, Herron, MI 49744 (Same as Farm Location) Youth & Apprentice Only Self-Service Box 11 (split between 4 properties) 116 0 0 116 0 Sign-in box ans parking on Weth Rd (0.3 miles east of King Settlement Rd)
Alpena Werth, Ray Wilson E 10 On Dann Rd (west side), 0.5 miles south of Smith Rd and Dann Rd, 90 degree right turn, Alpena, MI (Same as Farm Location) Youth & Apprentice Only Self-Service Box 6 108 14 71 23 0 NA
Alpena Werth, Ray Wilson W 8, 17 On Nappers Rd (north side), 800 feet east of Wolf Creek Rd, Alpena, MI (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 4 74 0 28 3 43 NA
Alpena Worth, Ron Wilson W 29 8281 Werth Rd, Alpena, MI 49707 (Same as Farm Location) Small Game Only Self-Service Box 2 100 0 6 61 33 Sign-in box and parking located at Gas Well Drive
Alpena Zbytowski, Kevin Wilson W 18 On Nappers Rd (south side), 0.25 miles west of Zbytowski Rd, Herron, MI (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 4 152 0 4 0 148 NA
Arenac LaPlant, Ed Whitney 14 2686 Scott Drive, Bay City, MI 48706 (Same as Farm Location) Turkey Only Self-Service Box 4 84 0 1 84 0 Property is on Turner Rd, parking along Turner Rd
Arenac Dittenber, Dale Turner 2 Near ~590 N Tonkey Rd, Au Gres, MI (east side of road, no house) (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 4 82 0 12 70 0 NA
Arenac Nixon, Gladys Turner 35 Near 2243 W Bessinger Rd, Au Gres, MI; North side of Bessinger Rd, 0.3 miles west of Sanitago Rd (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 3 39 0 0 39 0 NA
Arenac Nixon, Richard Au Gres 3 1860 Bessinger Rd, Au Gres, MI (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 9 92 4 7 81 0 NA
Arenac Wilson, Mike Arenac 20 Near 1502 Hagley Rd, Omer, MI (no house); or off the west oside of Hagley Rd (south of a short unnamed rd heading west from Hagley), less than 0.5 miles north of Sterling Rd, Omer, MI (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 3 3 0 0 35 0 NA
Bay Rivard, Art Gibson 26, 35 944 Saganing Rd, Bentley, MI;or north and south side of Saganing Rd, about 1/8 mile east of Garfield Rd, Bentley, MI (Same as Farm Location) Youth & Apprentice Only Mandatory Check-In 6 (shared between multiple properties) 64 1 6 30 27 Permits are shared between 3 properties totaling 104 acres
Bay Rivard, Art Gibson 21 1947 Bentley Rd, Bentley, MI 944 Saganing Rd, Bentley, MI Youth & Apprentice Only Mandatory Check-In 6 (shared between multiple properties) 40 1 20 17 0 Permits are shared between 3 properties totaling 104 acres
Bay Rivard, Marie Gibson 20, 21 Across south side of road at 1947 Bentley Rd, Bentley, MI; or near 1946 Bentley Rd, Bentley, MI (Same as Farm Location) Youth & Apprentice Only Mandatory Check-In 3 41 0 15 26 0 NA
Berrien Andrew's University Oronoko 35 Near 11650 S Lake Chapin Rd, Berrien Springs, MI (no house) (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 12 (48 between 4 stations) 1078 0 1078 0 0 NA
Berrien Andrew's University Oronoko 36 Near 11798 Rocky Rd, Berrien Springs, MI (no house) (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 12 (48 between 4 stations) 1078 0 1078 0 0 NA
Berrien Andrew's University Buchanan 1 Near 4390 Herman rd, Berrien Sprins, MI (no house) (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 12 (48 between 4 stations) 1078 0 1078 0 0 NA
Berrien Andrew's University Buchanan 2 Near 12285 S Lake Chapin Rd, Berrien Springs, MI (no house) (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 12 (48 between 4 stations) 1078 0 1078 0 0 NA
Berrien Doughton, Howard Bertrand 4 1665 Dayton Rd, Buchanan, MI (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 13 (split between 3 stations) 56 0 7 12 37 NA
Berrien Doughton, Howard Bertrand 5 1665 Dayton Rd, Buchanan, MI (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 13 (split between 3 stations) 143 0 3 38 72 NA
Berrien Doughton, Howard Buchanan 31 1665 Dayton Rd, Buchanan, MI (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 13 (split between 3 stations) 64 0 27 0 37 NA
Berrien Gumpert, Anthony Bertrand 6 6210 Galien-Buchanan Rd, Buchanan, MI. Parking in the south end of the property on Batten Rd (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 7 161 0 30 131 0 NA
Berrien Hass, Donald Pipestone 16 4400 Bailey Rd, Eau Claire, MI (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 7 63 0 23 34 6 NA
Berrien Sommerdale Farms Pipestone 22 8613 Sommer Rd, Eau Claire, MI (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 14 (split between 3 stations) 353 0 23 108 0 Check in box just east of house on Sommer Rd, Tracts on Sommer Rd and M-140 (also known as Watervliet Rd)
Berrien Sommerdale Farms Pipestone 23 8613 Sommer Rd, Eau Claire, MI (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 14 (split between 3 stations) 353 0 10 18 0 Check in box just east of house on Sommer Rd, Tracts on Sommer Rd and M-140 (also known as Watervliet Rd)
Berrien Sommerdale Farms Pipestone 26 8613 Sommer Rd, Eau Claire, MI (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 14 (split between 3 stations) 353 2 41 151 0 Check in box just east of house on Sommer Rd, Tracts on Sommer Rd and M-140 (also known as Watervliet Rd)
Calhoun Landis, Lance Clarendon 35 762 23-Mile Rd, Homer, MI (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 2 42 1 0 13 28 NA
Cheboygan Borowicz, Ernest Mullett 19 ~1 mile north of E. Numbers Road and South Extension Road intersection (East side), Cheboygan, MI (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 4 46 0 46 0 0 NA
Cheboygan Bur, Joe Inverness 17 Enter Wallace Road via North Extension Road to the west of property. (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 3 44 0 44 0 0 NA
Cheboygan Bur, Joe Munro 22 On West Dotski Rd., 200 feet west of Bonnett Rd. (south side), Cheboygan, MI (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 3 39 0 25 15 0 NA
Chippewa Andrews, Gordon Bruce 5 On Shunk Rd., 0.75 miles north of 7 Mile Rd. Sault Ste Marie, MI (Same as Farm Location) Sharp-tail Grouse and Small Game Only Self-Service Box 6 200 0 0 200 0 Sharp-tail and small game only. Sept. 15 - November 10.
Chippewa Andrews, Gordon Bruce 4 South of HQ 0.25 mile, east side of road. On Shunk Rd., 0.75 miles north of 7 Mile Rd. Sault Ste Marie, MI Sharp-tail Grouse and Small Game Only Self-Service Box 6 200 0 0 200 0 Sharp-tail and small game only. Sept. 15 - November 10.
Chippewa Andrews, Gordon Bruce 17 On Shunk Rd., 0.4 mile south of 8 Mile Rd. Sault Ste Marie, MI (Same as Farm Location) Sharp-tail Grouse and Small Game Only Self-Service Box 6 236 0 37 199 0 Sharp-tail and small game only. Sept. 15 - November 10.
Chippewa Andrews, Michael Bruce 28 0.25 mile south of HQ, east side of Shunk Rd. On Shunk Rd., 0.4 mile north of 11 Mile Rd., Dafter, MI Sharp-tail Grouse and Small Game Only Self-Service Box 6 175 0 64 111 0 Sharp-tail and small game only. Sept. 15 - November 10.
Chippewa Andrews, Michael Bruce 32 On Shunk Rd., 0.3 mile north of 12 Mile Rd., Dafter, MI (Same as Farm Location) Sharp-tail Grouse and Small Game Only Self-Service Box 6 296 0 85 211 0 Sharp-tail and small game only. Sept. 15 - November 10.
Chippewa Andrews, Timothy Bruce 29, 32 On Shunk Rd., 0.4 mile north of 11 Mile Rd., Dafter, MI (Same as Farm Location) Sharp-tail Grouse and Small Game Only Self-Service Box 6 262 0 0 262 0 Sharp-tail and small game only. Sept. 15 - November 10. Be aware: northern boundary line has changed.
Chippewa Andrews, Timothy Bruce 30, 31 On 11 Mile Rd., 1 mile east of M-129. Sault Ste Marie, MI (Same as Farm Location) Sharp-tail Grouse and Small Game Only Self-Service Box 6 263 0 0 263 0 Sharp-tail and small game only. Sept. 15 - November 10.
Chippewa Andrews, Timothy Bruce 33 East side of Shunk Rd., across from HQ On Shunk Rd., 0.3 mile north of 12 Mile Rd., Dafter, MI Sharp-tail Grouse and Small Game Only Self-Service Box 6 248 0 37 211 0 Sharp-tail and small game only. Sept. 15 - November 10.
Chippewa Parrish, Lucas Soo 4, 33 5890 S. Ridge Road, Sault Ste Marie, MI On S. Ridge Road 0.4 miles south of 6 Mile Road (west side), Sault Ste Marie, MI Sharp-tail and Small Game Only Self-Service Box 6 105 14 13 78 0 Sharp-tail and small game only. Sept. 15 - November 10.
Chippewa Hudson, John Superior 27, 28 0.1 mile north of 10870 S. Bound Rd. (west side), Dafter, MI. (Same as Farm Location) Sharp-tailed Grouse Only Self-Service Box 6 154 16 49 92 0 Sharp-tail only. October 10 - 31.
Chippewa Hudson, John Superior 33, 34 On S. Bound Rd., 0.5 miles north of Lockhart Rd. (west side), Dafter, MI. (Same as Farm Location) Sharp-tailed Grouse Only Self-Service Box 8 385 24 73 94 194 Sharp-tail only. October 10 - 31.
Chippewa Hudson, John Superior and Kinross 33 and 4 On Lockhart Rd., 0.4 miles west of S. Bound Rd. (north side), Dafter, MI. (Same as Farm Location) Sharp-tailed Grouse Only Self-Service Box 8 255 0 93 162 72 Sharp-tail only. October 10 - 31.
Chippewa Superior State Farms Co. Soo 23 0.1 Mile East of 1082 E 5 Mile Road on South Side of Road (Same as Farm Location) Sharp-tailed Grouse Only Self-Service Box 8 72 0 0 72 0 Sharp-tail only. October 10 - 31.
Chippewa Superior State Farms Co. Soo 32 0.3 Miles East of 1082 5 Mile Road on North Side of Road (Same as Farm Location) Sharp-tailed Grouse Only Self-Service Box 6 82.5 0 0 83 0 Sharp-tail only. October 10 - 31.
Chippewa Superior State Farms Co. Bruce and Soo 4 and 33 0.3 Miles East intersection S. Shunk Road and E6 Mile Road (Same as Farm Location) Sharp-tailed Grouse Only Self-Service Box 12 190 11 5 174 0 Sharp-tail only. October 10 - 31.
Chippewa Sweeten, Jeremy Dafter 3, 4 12248 S. Bound Road, Rudyard MI (on East side of Road) (Same as Farm Location) Sharp-tailed Grouse Only Self-Service Box 12 262 0 60 202 0 Sharp-tail only. October 10 - 31.
Chippewa Shunk, Spencer Soo 27 0.1 mile north of 5 Mile Rd. on Ridge Rd., on east side of road, Sault Ste Marie, MI. (Same as Farm Location) Sharp-tailed Grouse Only Self-Service Box 6 154 0 0 154 0 Sharp-tail only. October 10 - 31.
Chippewa Shunk, Spencer Soo 27, 34 At Ridge Rd. and 5 1/4 mile Rd., on east side of road, Sault Ste Marie, MI. (Same as Farm Location) Sharp-tailed Grouse Only Self-Service Box 4 79 0 0 79 0 Sharp-tail only. October 10 - 31.
Chippewa Shunk, Spencer Soo 28, 33 0.1 miles north of 5 Mile Rd. on Ridge Road, on west side of road, Sault Ste Marie, MI. (Same as Farm Location) Sharp-tailed Grouse Only Self-Service Box 6 139 0 5 139 0 Sharp-tail only. October 10 - 31.
Chippewa Shunk, Spencer Soo 28 0.2 miles north of 5 Mile Rd. on Shunk Rd., on east side of road, Sault Ste Marie, MI. (Same as Farm Location) Sharp-tailed Grouse Only Self-Service Box 6 117 2 8 107 0 Sharp-tail only. October 10 - 31.
Chippewa Shunk, Spencer Soo 29 4800 S. Shunk Rd., Sault Ste Marie, MI. (Same as Farm Location) Sharp-tailed Grouse Only Self-Service Box 4 61 0 0 61 0 Sharp-tail only. October 10 - 31.
Chippewa Shunk, Spencer Bruce 23 4538 E. 9 Mile Rd., on south side of road, Sault Ste Marie, MI. (Same as Farm Location) Sharp-tailed Grouse Only Self-Service Box 6 147 6 98 43 0 Sharp-tail only. October 10 - 31.
Chippewa Turner, Randall Bruce 3, 34 NA East 12 Mile Rd., approx 0.25 mile west of Riverside Dr. Dafter, MI Sharp-tailed Grouse and Small Game Only Self-Service Box 16 490 56 130 304 0 Sharp-tail and small game only. Sept. 15 - November 10.
Chippewa Turner, Randall Bruce 20 9774 S. Skunk Rd. Dafter, MI 49274 (Same as Farm Location) Sharp-tailed Grouse and Small Game Only Self-Service Box 8 219 0 6 213 0 Sharp-tail and small game only. Sept. 15 - November 10.
Chippewa Van Luven, Melvin Bruce 14 4465 E. 9 Mile Road, Sault Ste Marie, MI On 9 Mile Road, 0.2 miles east of Riverside Drive (north side) Sharp-tailed Grouse and Small Game Only Self-Service Box 4 69 0 27 0 42 Sharp-tail and small game only. Sept. 15 - November 10.
Chippewa Van Luven, Melvin Bruce 14 4465 E. 9 Mile Road, Sault Ste Marie, MI On S. Nicolet Road, 0.8 miles north of 9 Mile Road (east side) Sharp-tailed Grouse and Small Game Only Self-Service Box 6 106 0 27 29 50 Sharp-tail and small game only. Sept. 15 - November 10.
Chippewa Van Luven, Melvin Bruce 22 4465 E. 9 Mile Road, Sault Ste Marie, MI On 9 Mile Road, 0.2 miles west of Riverside Drive (south side) Sharp-tailed Grouse and Small Game Only Self-Service Box 4 60 7 0 24 29 Sharp-tail and small game only. Sept. 15 - November 10.
Gratiot English, Kendall Emerson 27 off the north side of East Saint Charles Road, 1/3 mile west of North Crapo Road, Ithaca, MI. (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 3 70 0 0 10 60 NA
Gratiot English, Kendall Hamilton 3 off the north side Filmore Road, 1/2 mile west of South Woodbridge Road, Ithaca, MI. (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 3 70 0 0 8 62 NA
Gratiot English, Kendall Lafayette 3 near ~5510 North Barry Road, Lafayette (no house); or off the east side of Barry Road, 1/2mi north of E.Van Buren Road, Breckenridge, MI. (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 10 (shared between multiple properties) 178 0 0 131 147 Permits are shared between 4 properties totaling 373 acres.
Gratiot English, Kendall Lafayette 4 near ~8783 East Van Buren Road, Lafayette (no house). near ~5510 North Barry Road, Lafayette (no house); or off the east side of Barry Road, 1/2mi north of E.Van Buren Road, Breckenridge, MI. All Self-Service Box 10 (shared between multiple properties) 71 0 0 13 58 Permits are shared between 4 properties totaling 373 acres.
Gratiot English, Kendall Lafayette 7 near ~4269 North McClelland Road, Lafayette (no house). near ~5510 North Barry Road, Lafayette (no house); or off the east side of Barry Road, 1/2mi north of E.Van Buren Road, Breckenridge, MI. All Self-Service Box 10 (shared between multiple properties) 49 0 0 9 40 Permits are shared between 4 properties totaling 373 acres.
Gratiot English, Kendall Lafayette 8 near ~7240 East Van Buren Road, Lafayette (no house). near ~5510 North Barry Road, Lafayette (no house); or off the east side of Barry Road, 1/2mi north of E.Van Buren Road, Breckenridge, MI. All Self-Service Box 10 (shared between multiple properties) 75 0 0 13 62 Permits are shared between 4 properties totaling 373 acres.
Gratiot English, Kendall Lafayette 20 near ~2827 North Ransom Road, Lafayette, MI (no house); or off the west side Ransom Road, 1/4 mile south of Tyler Road, Breckenridge, MI. (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 10 (shared between multiple properties) 94 0 4 2 88 Permits are shared between 4 properties totaling 373 acres.
Gratiot English, Kendall Lafayette 16, 21 Property on both sides of road; south parking near ~8598 East Tyler Road, Lafayette, MI (no house); north parking near ~8749 East Tyler Road, Lafayette, MI (no house). near ~2827 North Ransom Road, Lafayette, MI (no house); or off the west side Ransom Road, 1/4 mile south of Tyler Road, Breckenridge, MI. All Self-Service Box 10 (shared between multiple properties) 156 0 0 30 134 Permits are shared between 4 properties totaling 373 acres.
Gratiot English, Kendall Lafayette 22 near ~8598 East Tyler Road, Lafayette (no house); or off the east side of North Barry Road, 1/4 mile south of Tyler Road, Breckenridge, MI. near ~2827 North Ransom Road, Lafayette, MI (no house); or off the west side Ransom Road, 1/4 mile south of Tyler Road, Breckenridge, MI. All Self-Service Box 10 (shared between multiple properties) 102 0 0 4 104 Permits are shared between 4 properties totaling 373 acres.
Gratiot Hamp, Mike Sevittle 28 7350 N Osborn Road, Elwell, MI 48837 (Same as Farm Location) Spring turkey Only Self-Service Box 2 60 14 5 41 0 NA
Hillsdale Birdsall, Paul Woodbridge 1 near ~2290 Squawfield Road, Hillsdale, MI (no house), on the south side of road (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 2 60 0 0 60 0 NA
Hillsdale Birdsall, Paul Woodbride 1, 2 near ~1725 Rodgers Road, Hillsdale, MI (no house), on the north side of the road (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 2 49 0 1 48 0 NA
Hillsdale Goering, Gene Pittsford 22 off the northwest corner of Union Road and Sage Road, Waldron, MI. (Same as Farm Location) Youth and Apprentice Only Self-Service Box 4 78 1 3 70 4 NA
Hillsdale Goering, Gene Pittsford 34 off the south side of Waldron Road, 1/2 south of Yost Road, Hudson, MI. (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 2 40 1 7 32 0 NA
Hillsdale Schmeltz, Dale Jefferson 19, 30 3771 Reading Road, Osseo, MI. (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 2 107 1 21 2 83 NA
Hillsdale Yearling, Doug Jefferson 13 8601 Day Rd., Pittsford, MI (Same as Farm Location) Youth and Apprentice Only Self-Service Box 2 60 0 5 55 0 NA
Huron Jimkoski, Robert Port Austin 35, 36 near ~8455 Tomlinson Road, Port Austin, MI (no house); or off the west side of Tomlinson Road, 1/4 mile south of M25 (Grindstone Road), Port Austin, MI. (Same as Farm Location) Youth and Apprentice for Small Game and Turkey Only Self-Service Box 8 79 3 0 76 0 NA
Huron Kent, Paula Hume 36 (SW) off the north side of Kinde Road, about 2/10 mile east of Barrie Road, Kinde, MI. (Same as Farm Location) Deer and Turkey Only Self-Service Box 3 62 0 6 8 48 NA
Huron Kent, Paula Hume 36 (NE) off the south side of Etzler Road, about 1/2 mile west of Van Dyke. Kinde, MI. (Same as Farm Location) Deer and Turkey Only Self-Service Box 6 62 3 0 59 0 NA
Huron Kent, Paula Meade 1 off the west side of North Van Dyke Road, 1/2 mile south of West Kinde Road, Kinde, MI. (Same as Farm Location) Deer and Turkey Only Self-Service Box 19 201 12 48 0 141 NA
Huron Kent, Sandy and Jerome Meade 2 286 W. Kinde Rd, Kinde, MI. 1/8 mile west of Shinvale Rd. on Kinde Rd., S. side All Self-Service Box 3 60 0 0 60 0 NA
Huron Mausolf, Joseph Hume 31 near ~2916 West Kinde Road, Hume, MI (no house); or off the north side of Kinde Road, about 1/4 mile east of Pinnebog Road, Kinde, MI. (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 5 48 0 0 48 0 NA
Huron McDonald, Richard Verona 10 Southwest corner of Richardson Rd. and Sullivan Rd. intersection, Bad Axe, MI. (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 3 76 0 0 76 0 NA
Huron McDonald, Richard Lincoln 28 Intersection of Minnick Rd. and Carpenter Rd. (northwest corner), Bad Axe, MI. (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 1 36 0 0 36 0 NA
Huron Petit, Irene Hume 33, 34 off the east side of North McMillan Road, 1/4 mile south of Kinde Road, Port Austin, MI. (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 10 182 0 0 13 169 No driving on land
Huron Petit, Irene Meade 3, 4 off the east side of North McMillan Road, 1/2 mile north of Kinde Road, Port Austin, MI. (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 12 182 0 43 21 136 No driving on land
Huron Petit, Patricia Port Austin 28 1/2 mile east of Hellems Road on Pointe Aux Barques Road (south side), Port Austin, MI., long driveway (Same as Farm Location) Youth and Apprentice: Small Game and Turkey Self-Service Box 6 87 0 0 87 0 No hunting in standing crops until after harvest
Huron Polk, Patricia Verona 22 280 Carpenter Road, Bad Axe, MI. (Same as Farm Location) Youth and Apprentice Only Self-Service Box 3 38 3 0 12 23 In north half one hunter only. No standing in crops; in south (grassland/wooded area): two hunter
Huron Voelker, Eldon Winsor 22, 23, 27 1198 Caseville Rd, Pigeon, MI 48755 (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 16 (shared between multiple sections) 152 10 142 0 0 NA
Ingham Mikelonis, Gabriele Bunkerhill 34 5406 Haynes Rd, Stockbridge, MI. Just north off Haynes Rd, 1/8 mile north of base Line Rd (south edge of property) on Ingham/Jackson County line. Check-in station is here (back porch), and serves 3 property pieces All Self-Service Box 18 (shared between multiple properties) 140 0 37 15 88 Permits are shared between 3 properties totaling 280 acres; one property is in Ingham County with other two in Jackson County
Ingham Powell, Karen Williamston 20 On Germany Rd, about 0.5 miles west of Hart Rd and germany Rd (south side), Williamston, MI. (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 6 136 0 24 112 0 This is a field access point, park so as not to block access for field machinery during planting/harvesting seasons
Ingham Powell, Karen Williamston 16, 21 On Germany Rd, about 0.1 miles west of Hart Rd and Germany Rd (south side, just east of main farm drive), Williamston, MI Check-in station here serves 2 parcels, other is across the street All Self-Service Box 6 203 0 13 190 0 Serves 2 parcels, other is across the street. 6 hunters shared between both parcels. Park along sides of lane. DO NOT BLOCK Farm Lane access to hay bales

The highly pathogenic avian influenza has been detected in this area. Please follow all on-site biosecurity protocol to protect livestock from the ongoing threat. More information can be found at:
Ionia Sprague, Dale Boston and Keene 4 and 33 9150 Centerline Road, Saranac, MI. (Same as Farm Location) All Mandatory Check-in 8 230 0 60 135 35 NA
Ionia Nash, James Campbell 10 10961 Nash Hwy., Clasksville MI 48815 (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 6 116 0 0 0 0 NA
Iosco Francart, Paul Grant 29 Just east of 5400 (or 5443) M-55 West Road, Tawas City, MI (south side of the road) (Same as Farm Location) Youth and Apprentice Only Self-Service Box 3 36 0 36 0 0 NA
Iosco United States Gypsum Alabaster 20 On Alabaster Rd. 3/4 mile west of S. Lorenz Rd. intersection. Enter at access road (south side), Tawas City, MI. (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 33 480 120 360 0 0 Hunter registration box/parking is at end of access road about 0.4 miles
Iosco United States Gypsum Alabaster 17 On S. Lorenz Rd. (west side), about 1/4 mile north of Alabaster Rd., Tawas City, MI. (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 13 160 25 135 0 0 NA
Iosco United States Gypsum Alabaster 16 On S. Lorenz Rd. (east side), about 1/4 mile north of Alabaster Rd., Tawas City, MI. (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 13 160 15 145 0 0 NA
Isabella Brookens, Roger Lincoln 18, 19 9200 S. Green, Shepherd, MI. (Same as Farm Location) Small Game and Turkey Only Self-Service Box 2 238 1 23 214 0 NA
Isabella Sisco, Allen Coldwater 34 off the west sideof North Rolland Road, about 1/4 mile south of Battle Road, Lake, MI. (Same as Farm Location) Small Game and Turkey Only Self-Service Box 4 48 0 21 27 0 NA
Isabella Sisco, Raymond Coldwater 33 Barn located on Battle Rd, 1/8 mile west of Rolland Rd. Mail Box and Parking located at driveway adjacent to barn Small Game and Turkey Only Self-Service Box 3 65 0 35 30 0 NA
Isabella Sisco, Allen Coldwater 27, 28 7132 Rolland Road, Lake, MI. (Same as Farm Location) Small Game and Turkey Only Self-Service Box 4 64 0 31 33 0 NA
Jackson Mikelonis, Gabriele Henrietta 2, 3 near ~12809 McCreery Road, Stockbridge, MI (no house);both sides of road. 5406 Haynes Road, Stockbridge, MI. All Self-Service Box 18 (shared between multiple properties) 140 0 37 15 88 Permits are shared between 3 properties totaling 280 acres; one property is in Ingham County with other two in Jackson County
Kent Wollander, Donald Spencer 18 Just west of 10241 Walander Street NE (north side), Sand Lake, MI (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 11 150 0 45 49 56 NA
Mackinac Zandbergen, Donald & Timothy Marquette 11 7260 S Rutledge Rd, Pickford, MI. Sign-in box located 0.6 miles south on Rutledge from address given on east side of road (Same as Farm Location) Sharp-tailed Grouse Only Self-Service Box 6 272 0 9 263 0 NA
Mackinac Zandbergen, Donald & Timothy Marquette 10 7260 S Rutledge Rd, Pickford, MI. Sign-in box located 0.6 miles south on Rutledge from address given on west side of road (Same as Farm Location) Sharp-tailed Grouse Only Self-Service Box 3 115 0 31 84 0 NA
Mackinac Zandbergen, Donald & Timothy Marquette 10 7260 S Rutledge Rd, Pickford, MI. Sign-in box located 0.25 miles south on Rutledge Td from the given address (at the intersection of Blair and Rutledge) on west side of road (Same as Farm Location) Sharp-tailed Grouse Only Self-Service Box 3 71 0 5 66 0 NA
Midland Andreasen, Alfred Lee 31 Near ~2700 W. Gordonville Road, Midland, MI (no house), on south side of the street. (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 12 220 0 220 0 0 No driving on trails, park on the street
Midland df4 Porter 6 S. Castor Rd (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 20 214 20 174 40 0 No Hunting OCT 1 or NOV 15
No Smoking
Midland Timmer, Joan Warren 35 3625 W Fike Rd, Coleman, MI 48618 (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 3 35 0 3 32 0 NA
Montmorency Matelski Lumber South Part Vienna 11 Less than 1/2 mile west of Secrist Road and Old State Road, Atlanta, MI (Same as Farm Location) All - No Elk Hunting Self-Service Box 16 160 0 160 0 0 No Elk Hunting
Montmorency Matelski Lumber South Part Vienna 14 ~1 mile northwest of M-32 on Camp 8 Road, Atlanta, MI (Same as Farm Location) All - No Elk Hunting Self-Service Box 24 275 0 260 15 0 No Elk Hunting
Montmorency Schalk, Galen East Part Vienna 35 On Morrow Rd. about 1/3 mile north of Anchor Lake Rd. (east side), Hillman, MI. (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 3 64 5 0 59 0 NA
Montmorency Smith, Pete Avery 5, 6, 7, 8 13799 M-32 Hwy (south side), Atlanta, MI. (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 10 663 0 229 317 117 Box and parking is down dirt driveway to hoop barn
Do not block driveway
Newaygo Howes, Joseph Lincoln 27 2019 West One Mile Rd., White Cloud, MI. (Same as Farm Location) Youth & Apprentice Only Self-Service Box 6 100 0 100 0 0 Handicap Accessible
Newaygo Richmond. NP Monroe, Merrill 18, 13 8000 Centerline Rd. Brohman, MI (Same as Farm Location) Archery Deer Hunting Self-Service Box 4 114 17 97 0 0 NA
Newaygo Land Conservancy of West Michigan - McDuffey Home 21 2063 E 14 Mile Rd , Bitely, MI (Same as Farm Location) Archery Deer Hunting Self-Service Box 8 275 81 158 56 0 NA
Oceana Howard, Matt and Jennifer Otto 6 522 East Yale Rd., Rothburry MI 49452 (Same as Farm Location) Turkey & Archery Deer Self-Service Box 2 20 0 3 0 17 NA
Oscoda Headwaters LC Clinton 28 Luneack, Perch Lake Gate near 3200 Perch Lake Rd. (Same as Farm Location) Deer Only Self-Service Box 10 618 22 588 8 0 Parking is located at Perch Lake Gate. Must walk ¾ mile from parking to Luneack Nature Preserve along Perch Lake Rd.
Presque Isle Johnson, Nicholas & Abby Moltke 16 Just north of 2330 N. Angle Rd. (south side of road), Rogers City, MI (Same as Farm Location) Youth and Apprentice Only Self-Service Box 5 100 0 38 32 30 NA
Presque Isle Johnson, Nicholas & Abby Moltke 21 Church Highway immediately east of 7557 Church HWY (Same as Farm Location) Youth and Apprentice Only Self-Service Box 4 61 35 30 6 0 NA
Presque Isle Krupa, John Bearinger North 35 On Grace Harbor Rd., 0.8 miles west of US Hwy 23 and Grace Harbor Rd. intersection. (southeast corner), Millersburg, MI. (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 7 78 0 78 0 0 Park near the gate. Box is to the southeast of the gate
Presque Isle Schalk, Wayne Belknap 34 On West Hawks Hwy (north side), 3/4 mile west of S. Rogers Rd. Hawks, MI. (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 8 80 0 80 0 0 NA
Saginaw Horger, Marty Chesaning 18 off the south side of Highway M57 (or West Brady Road), about 2/5 mile east of M52. Chesaning, MI. (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 3 59 0 13 0 46 NA
Saginaw Schmiege, Art Brady W 2 approx. 1/8 mi. west of Fordney Rd and Baldwin Rd. intersection (North side past ditch), Chesaning, MI. (Same as Farm Location) Spring turkey Only Self-Service Box 2 66 0 9 57 0 Do not block entrance to field when parking
Saginaw Somers, Kevin Chaplin 27 West Ferden Rd 1/4 Mile W of S Merill Rd (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 2 59 0 0 13.2 45.55 NA
Sanilac Nicklas, Frank Washington and Sanilac 12 and 7 795 South Goetze Road, Carsonville, MI. (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 25 311 2 40 0 296 NA
St. Clair Langmesser, Kenneth St. Clair 22, 27 1730 Kennedy Road, St Clair, MI. (Same as Farm Location) All Self-Service Box 9 135 0 36 12 87 NA