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List Requests

List Requests

Effective March 1, 2019 all Bureau of Construction Codes' list requests must be submitted as a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request through LARA's FOIA Office.

When requesting your information, please provide the exact type of license(s), permit(s), etc. you are interested in. For example, if you want licenses from the Plumbing Trade, be sure to specify the type of license - Contractor, Master, Journey, etc., or if you want permits, be sure to indicate a type, date range, and/or zip code.



Flat $25.00 fee for any records purchased from 1 - 1,000

Any records from 1 - 10,000 are 2.5 cents each

Any records over 10,000 are .5 cents each

Additional $50.00 computer set-up charge for disk, CD-ROM, or email

Handling charge of $2.00

Email - TXT Format

Email - CSV Format

Email - Excel Format

Email - PDF Format

Mail CD - CSV Format

Mail CD - PDF Format

NOTE:  If the file is too large, a CD will be sent.