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Notice to Owners and Installers of B31.1 Non-Boiler External Pipe

Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs

Pursuant to 2010 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code B31.1, Chapter VI, 136 Inspection and Examination, Section 136.1.1 states in part that an "inspection is the responsibility of the Owner and may be performed by employees of the Owner or a party authorized by the Owner….”

Additionally, Section 136.1.4(A) states in part that “the Owner’s Inspector shall be designated by the Owner and shall be an employee of the Owner, an employee of an engineering or scientific organization, or of a recognized insurance or inspection company acting as the Owners agent.”  The State of Michigan Chief Inspector or Deputy Inspectors will not perform power piping inspections.

Section 136.1.1 further states that “prior to initial operation, a piping installation shall be inspected to ensure compliance with the engineering design and with the material, fabrication, assembly, examination, and test requirements of [ASME B31.1-2010].”  Such inspections and inspectors shall be in compliance with ASME B31.1, Chapter VI, 136 Inspection and Examination.