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Premanufactured Units Program

The Michigan Premanufactured Units program is authorized by 1972 PA 230 Section 19, MCL 125.1519, which allows building components and buildings to be certified for use in Michigan at a place of manufacture, other than the site of final use. The program requires participating manufacturers and inspection agencies be approved by the Bureau. Therefore, they must first submit a Compliance Assurance Program, and will be issued a Certificate of Acceptability when it is approved.

The CA Program must address specific matters affecting the construction of certified units. An organizational chart demonstrating that there is not conflicts between code compliance, production and sales. All aspects of materials, handling, and production must be detailed. Procedures for the security and handling of certification labels, and record keeping must be in place. The manufacturer must also have procedures for storage, shipping, and installation of units.

Units manufactured and labeled under this program are guaranteed certain protections.

How to Submit

A manufacturer must submit an application with the appropriate fee and three (3) complete sets of construction documents sealed and signed in accordance with 1980 PA 299 for each building component or building.

* Plan reviews can be checked and submitted expeditiously online at:  Additionally, plan reviews can be submitted via mail; however, applying by mail may cause delays in the application process.

Premanufactured Unit Fee Schedule (Effective 04/01/2024)

Application for Premanufactured Unit or Modification of Premanufactured Unit *

Once the review is completed, the total charges will be calculated and any amount due will be billed to the applicant. When the project is approved and all fees paid, two (2) BSARs and two (2) complete sets of construction documents stamped “Approved” and marked with the BSAR number will be returned to the applicant. The applicant is then responsible to forward one (1) BSAR and one (1) complete set of the construction documents to the manufacturer’s approved third party inspection agency.

An approved building system may not be manufactured contrary to the approved drawings. If a modification of an approved model is desired, the manufacturer must submit an application for a modification with the appropriate fee, and revised construction documents.

To request labels for your approved building systems, submit a completed Premanufactured Label Order Form with the applicable fee.

Questions should be directed to the Bureau's construction code plan review program at 517-241-9313 or