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Service Level Categories

Service Level Categories

The Department will issue a license to each approved Substance Use Disorder (SUD) program. The SUD program must identify the type of services to be offered at the licensed site by designating a specific service level category or categories outlined below.

Preventative Services

Prevention services reduce the risk that an individual will develop problems that might require that he or she enter the substance abuse treatment system.

  • Community Change, Alternatives, Information, Training (CAIT) – A CAIT program must offer at least one of the following SUD services:
    • Community Change – Planned efforts that are designed to change specific conditions to reduce the probability that substance use problems will occur among residents of the community.
    • Alternatives – Providing planned non-treatment personal growth activities that are designed to help a participant meet his or her own personal needs and to reduce the risk of developing problems that may require that he or she enter the substance abuse treatment system.
    • Information – Providing information to the public that is designed to reduce the risk that an individual will develop problems that may require that he or she enter the substance abuse treatment system.
    • Training – Providing activities designed to improve the personal and social skills of a person who wishes to avoid substance use problems or who is in a position to help others avoid problems with substance use.

Treatment and Rehabilitation Services

Treatment and rehabilitation services will provide emergent, outpatient, intermediate, or inpatient service and care. The services offered might include diagnostic evaluation, medical, psychiatric, psychological, social service care, and referral services that may be extended to an individual who is or appears to be incapacitated.

  • Screening, Assessment, Referral, and Follow Up (SARF) – Means SUD services by offering a range of activities necessary to make preliminary assessments of problems. The object of these activities may include interviews, psychological tests, and other diagnostic or assessment tools, is to effect referrals to appropriate treatment or assistance resources if indicated.

  • Outpatient – Means SUD treatment services by offering scheduled, periodic care, including diagnosis and therapy, in a non-residential setting. Correctional institutions are considered non-residential settings.

  • Outpatient Treatment Methadone – Means SUD treatment services using the drugs methadone or LAAM (levo-alpha-acetylmethadol) as rehabilitation tools in conjunction with other treatment and rehabilitation care.

  • Residential – Means SUD treatment services that are provided in a full or partial residential setting. Such services may be supplemented with diagnostic services, counseling, vocational rehabilitation, work therapy, or other services that are judged to be valuable to clients in a therapeutic setting.

  • Inpatient Hospitalization – Means SUD treatment services that are provided to a person within a hospital setting under medical supervision. Inpatient care may include both emergency services and non-emergency services. Inpatient care is provided in hospitals operated by or in beds licensed by the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs.

Contact Us

Michigan Department of Licensing & Regulatory Affairs
Bureau of Community and Health Systems
State Licensing Section
611 W. Ottawa Street
PO Box 30664
Lansing, MI 48909

Phone: 517-241-1970
Fax: 517-241-3354