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Flammable and Combustible Liquids (FL/CL)

Storage and Handling of Flammable and Combustible Liquids (FL/CL) Rules apply both to aboveground storage tanks and underground storage tanks, for tanks storing liquids with a flash point less than 200 degrees Fahrenheit

  • The rules were filed with the Secretary of State on October 6, 2014, and effective October 13, 2014. 

  • The rules adopt by reference, with Michigan amendments, the following National Fire Protection Association pamphlets:

    • NFPA 30, 2012 edition

    • NFPA 30A, 2012 edition

    • NFPA 31, 2011 edition

    • NFPA 37, 2010 edition. 

  • For a copy of the referenced NFPA documents contact the National Fire Protection Association, 11 Tracy Drive, Avon, MA 02322, 02269, phone 800-344-3555 (ask for the library).      

Informational Memorandum No. 15: Storage of Flammable and Combustible Liquids in Aboveground Storage Tank Systems.