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Release Reporting - Underground Storage Tanks

If you have accessed this site because there has been an emergency release or spill and you are not sure where you need to report, immediately call:

If the release is a threat to human health or safety, also call:

  • 911 or the local fire department, and 
  • the local State Police or the State Police Operations Division at 517-336-6604. 




This section covers regulated substance releases from underground storage tanks regulated under Part 211, Underground Storage Tank Regulations, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as amended. 


If an owner/operator finds visible or olfactory evidence of contamination in the underground storage tank excavation or along pipe runs, or if analytical results show contamination, the owner/operator or their consultant must report a confirmed release within 24 hours to the Storage Tank Division by 

  • FAX ( using form BFS3826.PDF) to 517-332-1428 or 517-332-1427



"Visible evidence" means presence of a product sheen on water or stained soils. "Olfactory evidence" means the smell of product odors in soils or water within the tank or pipe excavation.


Positive indication from field monitoring equipment such as H-Nu meters, organic vapor analyzers, or combustible gas detectors constitutes a suspected release. However, the owner/operator may report a confirmed release anytime they believe one has occurred.


Suspected release reports are required to be canceled or upgraded within 14 working days. The underground storage tank (UST) owner/operator is responsible for the release investigation.


The owner/operator must follow rules for site characterization and cleanup as given in Part 213, Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUST), of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as amended.


Section 280.72 of the Michigan UST rules states that a site assessment is not required if a confirmed release has been reported for the UST system (tank and piping).


If the UST is not properly registered, the owner/operator MUST submit a completed registration form with the $100 per tank fee prior to UST removal.


Per Section 21102 of Part 211, Underground Storage Tank Regulations, of Act 451, after the UST system(s) has./have been removed from the ground, the owner/operator MUST submit an amended registration form to avoid future billing for closed tanks.


UST CLOSURE/REMOVAL BASED ON A CONFIRMED RELEASE: The UST must be removed from the ground. Closure in place of the UST by cleaning and filling 100 percent with a solid inert material (sand, concrete, or gravel) is permitted only if the UST is located under a building or permanent structure, and removal would cause damage to that structure. It is the responsibility of the owner/operator to make the determination and retain supporting documentation.


For releases from aboveground storage tanks and heating oil tanks see the  Release Notification Requirements in Michigan