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Electrical Permit Information

The Electrical Code
The purpose of the electrical code is to provide practical safeguards to persons and property from hazards arising from the use of electricity. The code contains provisions considered necessary for safety.

What is the electrical code?
The National Electrical Code covers installations of electric conductors and equipment within or on public and private buildings and structures, installations of conductors that connect to the supply of electricity, and installations of other outside conductors on the premises. Presently, the State Electrical Code consists of the National Electrical Code with Part 8 technical amendments. Provisions for one- and two-family dwellings are included in the Michigan Residential Code.

Are electrical permits required?
A person shall not equip a building with electrical conductors or equipment or make an alteration of, change in, or addition to, electrical conductors or equipment without receiving a permit to do the work described.

Do you need a license to do electrical work?
To obtain electrical permits, an applicant shall be an electrical contractor or specialty contractor licensed by a municipality or by the State Electrical Administrative Board


a homeowner performing electrical work in a single family home and accompanying outbuildings owned and occupied, or to be occupied, by the person performing the installation.

* Permits can be checked and obtained expeditiously online at:  Additionally, permits can be obtained via mail; however, applying by mail may cause delays in the application process.

Electrical Permit Application *
Electrical Inspector Region Map

Prior to applying for an electrical permit, it is suggested the applicant review the Statewide Jurisdiction List. This information is updated regularly due to changes in the electrical code enforcement that may be conducted by either the state, county or local unit of government. An electrical permit application must be submitted to the appropriate enforcing agency.

Questions regarding electrical permits should be directed to the Building Trades Section at 517-241-9313 or