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Private Security Guard Branch  Initial License

Initial License: Apply for an initial branch license if you want a new license at an alternative location, other than the Agency location, and you have never been issued this license type in Michigan; or the Qualifying Officer & Agency have never held this license type together in Michigan.

Initial License Information

  • Complete a "Security Guard Agency Branch Application" through MiCLEAR by locating your 10-digit ACTIVE Security Guard Agency license number that begins with "3801". Then, click on "Additional Actions" and select the application. You will be required to provide the full name of the Branch Manager.

    You must have a physical location in Michigan to obtain a Security Guard Agency Branch license, pursuant to MCL 338.1058(1)


  • In order to consider an application complete and to avoid delay of processing, the following document must be uploaded as part of the application:

    • Approval of County Sheriff or City Chief of Police AND County Prosecuting Attorney where the branch office is located pursuant to MCL 338.1057(3). The form can be found here.
  • Security Guard Branch      $50 each