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Michigan Task Force on Foreign Trained Medical Professional Licensing Releases Report and Recommendations

The Michigan Task Force on Foreign Trained Medical Professional Licensing has released its final report and recommendations.

As mandated by Public Act 166 of 2022, representatives from state government, higher education, hospitals, and other professional associations were invited to meet with the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) to identify obstacles that prevent Foreign Trained Medical Professionals (FTMPs) from practicing in Michigan and create recommendations to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the licensing process.

The final report and recommendations create a roadmap for Michigan to address the health care occupation gap while ensuring that highly qualified individuals have the ability to practice in Michigan at a level that is commensurate to their education and training.   

The final report includes these recommendations:

  • Expand acceptability of accredited credential evaluations from private entities
  • Develop new transitional licensure pathways for FTMPs
  • Create a state-run initiative to provide residency slots to FTMPs
  • Dedicate a liaison within LARA to assist FTMPs and measure progress
  • Fund a grant program to assist FTMPs with licensure and credential evaluation
  • Rescind English language proficiency requirements
  • Establish a Welcome Initiative in Michigan to support FTMPs
  • Create and maintain skilled immigrant licensure guides in multiple languages

“Foreign Trained Medical Professionals have a key role to play in addressing Michigan’s health care workforce needs,” said LARA Acting Director, Marlon I. Brown. “These individuals comprise an underutilized talent pool of dentists, nurses, pharmacists, physical therapists, physicians, and other health care professionals who were trained in other countries but possess the experience and skills necessary to deliver quality health care services.”

The full report can be accessed here.