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Cannabis Regulatory Agency Contracts with Metrc for the Statewide Monitoring System

The Cannabis Regulatory Agency (CRA) has contracted with Metrc as its vendor for the statewide monitoring system. The CRA sought bids to establish, operate, and maintain the statewide monitoring system and evaluated bidders based on the cost of the service and the ability to meet all of the requirements of the administrative rules. The CRA gave strong consideration to the bidders’ ability to prevent fraud, abuse, and other unlawful or prohibited activities associated with the commercial trade in marijuana in Michigan, and the ability to provide additional tools for the administration and enforcement the administrative rules.

The CRA initially contracted with Metrc on May 12, 2017 on a two-year contract with five one-year options available after the expiration. The initial effective date of the new five-year contract is May 7, 2024 with five one-year options available after the expiration.

Metrc is currently engaged in 24 government contracts and serves more than 400,000 users, including growers, testing facilities, dispensaries, state regulators, and law enforcement officials. Metrc’s solution combines advanced software, radio-frequency identification (RFID), a dedicated customer support team, and a secure database to track cannabis from growth, harvest, and processing to testing, transport, and sale. Metrc has tracked more than 1.6 billion events and recorded over $9.7 billion in sales in the system for the state of Michigan since 2018.

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