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Michigan Liquor Control Commission Suspends Liquor License for Dandy Oil in Clarkston

Media Contact: LARA Communications 517-373-9280

September 22, 2017 - At the Michigan Liquor Control Commission hearing yesterday in Southfield, MI, the Michigan Liquor Control Commission (MLCC) ordered the suspension of the liquor license of Dandy Oil Inc, located at 5465 Sashabaw Rd., Clarkston, MI.

Under MCL 436.1903(1), the Commission is required to impose a suspension or revocation of the liquor license if a licensee is found liable for three violations of MCL 436.1801(2) on different occasions within a 24-month period. For Dandy Oil, those violations occurred:

  • On April 21, 2016, the licensee sold alcoholic liquor (24oz can of Labatt’s Blue Light) to a minor. The sales clerk did ask the underage purchaser for her ID. The designation “Under 21” appeared above the underage purchaser’s photo in red type on the vertical State of Michigan Operator’s License. The sales clerk completed the transaction.
  • On August 2, 2016, the licensee sold alcoholic liquor (23.5oz can of Mike’s Hard Black Cherry Lemonade) to a minor. The clerk asked for the decoy’s identification and the decoy responded that they did not have it and the clerk completed the transaction.
  • On December 13, 2016, the licensee sold alcoholic liquor (a can of Mike’s Hard Black Cherry Lemonade) to a minor. The clerk did not ask the decoy for identification.

Dandy Oil, located in the Citgo gas station at the corner of Maybee Road and Sashabaw Road in Clarkston, has held a State of Michigan liquor license since October 1989 and has failed controlled buys to minors operations 12 separate times, has been fined $8,150, and has served a three-day suspension in the past.

After reviewing the record of the three violations within a consecutive 24-month period which necessitated the penalty hearing, hearing arguments from Dandy Oil, and reviewing the MLCC file, the Commission found that a 15-day suspension is warranted, to be served from Friday, September 29, 2017 through Friday, October 13, 2017.      

“The Commission is required by law to hold these hearings in order to provide an additional penalty to the licensee and, more importantly, to protect the health, welfare, and safety of the public,” said MLCC Chairman Andy Deloney. “With the testimony heard – and the exhibits presented – on the record at the hearing, the Commission felt this was a just and appropriate penalty.”

For more information about the MLCC, please visit

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