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Michigan Liquor Control Commission to hold Semi-Annual Public Hearing September 23, via Zoom

Media Contact: LARA Communications (517-335-LARA (5272))

August 12, 2020 - The Michigan Liquor Control Commission (MLCC) will hold a semi-annual Public Hearing on Wednesday, September 23, 2020, at 10 am. via Zoom.

To attend the hearing via Zoom go to:

Meeting ID: 925 6723 1008
Password: 759990
Call-In Option:  888-636-3807 (US Toll Free)
Conference code: 110817

The MLCC hearing will be held for the purpose of hearing complaints and receiving the views of the public with respect to the administration of the Michigan Liquor Control Code. All government and enforcement officials, licensees, and any other persons interested in the operation of the MLCC, are welcome to participate via Zoom.

Members of the Commission will conduct the hearing and the hearing will be followed by a question and answer period in which the public will be invited to participate.

People with disabilities requiring additional services in order to participate in the meeting - such as materials in alternative format - should call Anita Fawcett at 517-284-6338 at least two business days prior to the meeting.

It is the mission of the MLCC to make alcoholic beverages available for consumption while protecting the consumer and the general public through the regulation of those involved in the importation, sale, consumption, distribution, and delivery of these alcohol products. 

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