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Cannabis Regulatory Agency Takes Disciplinary Action Against Licensees throughout the State

Administrative formal complaints and disciplinary actions taken against adult-use/medical licensees in December are now available for review in the Cannabis Regulatory Agency’s December 2024 Disciplinary Action Report.

This month’s disciplinary actions:

DLG & Associates, LLC dba True North Collective MI, GR-C-001161, AU-G-C-000437, AU-G-C-000438, AU-G-C-000439, AU-G-C-000440, GR-C-001160 (General operational issues)

DLG & Associates, LLC dba True North Collective MI, PR-000037, AU-G-C-000150AU-P-000117, GR-C-000100 (General operational issues)
Center Creek, LLC dba Mitten Canna Co., AU-G-C-000139 (METRC non-compliance, surveillance / security)

DNVK Lapeer Inc. dba Consume Cannabis Alma, AU-R-001002 (Non-compliant sales)

Grand Slam Holdings, LLC dba Levels of Lansing, AU-R-000658 (General operational issues, non-compliant sales)

Grow Rite Medical Supplies, LLC dba Uncles J's Joints, AU-G-C-000911 (METRC Non-compliance, sampling and testing)

Hazel Park
Helios I, LLC dba A New Standard, AU-R-000226 (Non-compliant sales)
Michigan Provisioning Center, LLC dba Rush Cannaco, AU-R-000661 (General operational issues, noncompliant handling and production, surveillance/security)

Grand Rapids
Hemlock Ventures, LLC dba Olswell, AU-R-000535 (Non-compliant sales)
West Michigan Secured Transport, Inc, AU-ST-000139 (METRC non-compliance, noncompliant sales)

HMFM Holdings, LLC, AU-G-C-001158 (Failure to report material changes - physical location/operations)

JARS Holdings, LLC dba JARS Cannabis, AU-R-001187 (Packaging and advertising)

Premier Botanics, LLC, AU-MB-000106 (Failure to report material changes - legal entity)

Center Line
Revolution Strains, Inc. dba Nirvana Center Processing, AU-P-000286, PR-000295 (Failure to report material changes – physical location/operations, METRC noncompliance, miscellaneous, noncompliant handling and production, packaging and advertising, surveillance /security)

Iron Mountain
Smoke U.P. Farms, LLC dba Tree of Life Cannabis, AU-G-C-001018 (Failure to report material changes – physical, location/operations, noncompliance with BFS requirements)

Mt. Morris
STAR BUDZ PROVISIONING CENTER, LLC dba Star Budz, AU-R-000611 (General operational issues)
DJR Michigan Properties, LLC dba High Level Health, AU-G-C-000331, AU-G-C-000302 (AFS non-compliance)

The Wellflower Ypsilanti, LLC, AU-R-000665 (General operational issues, METRC non-compliance, noncompliant sales)

222 Biz 2, LLC dba Mystic Cannabis of Memphis, AU-R-001055 (General operational issues, surveillance / security)

305 Farms, LLC, AU-G-C-000793 (METRC non-compliance)

325HTD Growers, LLC dba Amber Waves Cannabis Co., AU-G-C-001093 (METRC non-compliance, sampling and testing)

420 Medz, LLC, GR-C-000869 (METRC non-compliance)

664 Vassar, LLC dba Premier Saginaw III, AU-R-000547 (General operational issues, noncompliant sales)

Adams Family Farms, LLC, AU-G-C-000480 (METRC non-compliance)

Compassionate Advisors - Pinconning, LLC dba Pincanna, AU-G-C-000152, AU-G-C-000267, AU-G-C-000268, AU-G-C-000269, AU-G-C-000270, AU-G-EX-000136 (General operational issues)

Bay City
DJR Michigan Properties, LLC dba High Level Health, AU-G-C-000129, AU-R-000570, GR-C-000182 (AFS non-compliance)

DJR Michigan Properties, LLC dba High Level Health, AU-R-000211 (AFS non-compliance)

DJR Michigan Properties, LLC dba High Level Health, AU-R-000457, GR-A-000081 (AFS non-compliance)


Click here for more information regarding Disciplinary Action Reports.

The disciplinary actions taken against CRA licensees may be viewed in the public-facing database for CRA licensees.


To view disciplinary documents:

• Click the “Verify a Cannabis Business License in our Database” button on the front page of the CRA website.

• On the landing page, determine the type of license – adult-use or medical – and click the appropriate link.

• Search for the business and then click the licensee’s link to see their landing page in the CRA database; all publicly available disciplinary documents will be linked at the bottom of the record.


Members of the public may submit their complaints online via the updated complaint submission process. The Citizens’ Guide to Filing a Complaint is available on the CRA website and walks the complainant through the simple and easy process to file an online complaint with the CRA.

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