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Small Business Program (SBP)

MDOT, in accordance with the requirements of the U.S. Department of Transportation 49 CFR Part 26, Section 26.39, has developed a race- and gender-neutral Small Business Program (SBP) to ensure that Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) and SBP owned businesses have opportunities to participate on federally-assisted projects. 

The SBP is designed to:

  • Increase the number of competitively awarded contracts to small businesses
  • Maximize contract opportunities
  • Promote the use of small businesses in MDOT contract opportunities

DBE and SBP businesses in the program will be among a limited group of firms eligible to participate in selected federally-assisted contract opportunities set-aside by MDOT.

Effective July 12, 2012, MDOT established a small business program for set-asides on selected federally-assisted construction contracts that have an estimated construction cost of $1,000,000 or less and consulting contracts that have an estimated consultant cost of $250,000 or less and have available certified and prequalified DBE and SBP firms to compete and perform work for each selected project within the geographical area of the project.


  • Business must possess MDOT DBE or SBP certification.
  • Business must be small business as defined by SBA standards. Gross receipts must not exceed an annual average of $30.72 million over the firm’s previous five fiscal years.
  • Business owner(s) must have a personal net worth that does not exceed $2.047 million. Owner’s equity in primary residence, retirement income and ownership interest in the firm are excluded from the net worth calculation.
    Personal financial statement
  • Business must apply/register with MDOT to participate in the SBP.


DBE Certification Application
MDOT-certified DBE firms have already met the eligibility criteria to participate in the Small Business Enterprise Program.

SBP Application
MDOT-certified SBP firms must apply to the SBP to determine if the firm meets eligibility criteria for participation.

SBP Information