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Transportation Economic Development Fund (TEDF)

The mission of the Transportation Economic Development Fund (TEDF) is to enhance the ability of the state to compete in an international economy, to serve as a catalyst for economic growth of the state, and to improve the quality of life in the state.

The funds are available to state, county, and city road agencies for immediate highway needs relating to a variety of economic development issues.

2024 Annual Report

2024 Accomplishments


Christine Zuzga | 517-335-1069
Program manager

Economic Development contacts

TEDF Categories

Category A new building development

Category A - Economic Development Road Projects

Category A grants promote increased economic potential and improve the quality of life through the support of job creation and retention in Michigan.

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Baraga Avenue view of road in the evening

Category B - Villages and Small Cities

Category B grants were created and designed as a stop gap measure to provide additional road funding to the smallest communities in Michigan, particularly those with limited ability to fund road projects.

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Traffic on US-23 Flex Route

Category C - Urban Congestion Relief

Category C grants provide funding for transportation projects which improve the operational level of service in heavily congested urban areas and reduce crash rates on heavily congested urban roads.

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Winding road in Alger County through Pictured Rocks

Category D - Secondary All-Season Roads

Category D grants provide funding for transportation projects that complement the existing state trunkline system with improvements on connecting local routes that have high commercial traffic.

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A logging truck driving across Michigan's Upper Peninsula.

Category E - Forest Roads

Category E grants provide funding for transportation projects that increase access to forest resources harvestable over the next five years and increase the safety and efficiency of forest raw material transport.

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Street view of Townline Road

Category F - Cities in Rural Counties

Category F grants provide funding for transportation projects that improve access to the state all-season system and improves safety and all-season capabilities on routes having high commercial traffic.

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