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Public Outreach

Public meeting with a microphone.
Department of Transportation

Public Outreach

Get Involved

Participate in MDOT Decisions

Public participation is integral to efficient, effective and responsive transportation decisions. MDOT values and encourages public involvement throughout its planning processes, from start to finish. In fact, your thoughts and opinions play an important role in shaping Michigan's transportation future.

At MDOT, we want to ensure your voice is not only heard, but makes a difference in moving Michigan forward!

MDOT Public Comment Form


Monica Monsma | 517-335-4381
Public Involvement & Hearings Officer
425 W. Ottawa
P.O. Box 30050
Lansing, MI 48909
Fax: 517-335-5696

Ensuring Equity and Access to Full Participation

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is the overarching civil rights law that prohibits discrimination based on race, color, or national origin in any program, service or activity that receives federal assistance.

MDOT's Title VI Non-discrimination Polices and Procedures

Guide to Virtual Public Involvement

Guidelines for Stakeholder Engagement

Upcoming Public Meetings

Public Involvement Road Map

HMA paving in I-69 Lapeer County

Five-Year Transportation Program (5YTP)

The Five-Year Transportation Program (5YTP) is a state-required document that presents an overview of planned transportation program investments and projects over a five-year period.

A newly paved Michigan freeway.

State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)

The State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) is a federally mandated four-year planning document listing road, bridge, and transit projects the state intends to fund with federal aid provided under the Federal Aid Transportation Program. 

Bicyclists on a multi-use path in Marysville, MI.

Michigan Mobility 2045 Plan

The Michigan Mobility 2045 Plan, also known as the State Long-Range Transportation Plan, is a 25-year plan for transforming Michigan's transportation system. 

A rural road with trees in Autumn color.

Environmental Clearance Process

Project studies that analyze their potential to impact our human and natural environment.

Latest Public Outreach News