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Michigan Shared Streets and Spaces Grant Program (SSSG)
Michigan Shared Streets and Spaces Grant Program (SSSG)
MDOT, in partnership with the Michigan Office of Future Mobility and Electrification (OFME), is announcing the award of $6.5 million in funding to 27 municipalities and eight transit agencies as part of the Shared Streets and Spaces Program. The program supports quick-build projects led by incorporated cities and transit agencies that improve plazas, sidewalks, curbs, streets, bus stops, parking areas, and other public spaces in support of public health, safe mobility, and strengthened commerce.
Grant awards range from $35,000 to $200,000, funding projects that will reconceive streets for a variety of mobility options, including streetscape improvements, transit facilities, sidewalk infill programs, non-motorized pathways, safety improvements, and public spaces which provide improved access and a range of uses for all of us, no matter our age, ability or preferred ways of getting around. MDOT Fiscal Year 2024/2025 budgets include a total of $6.5 million intended make communities more walkable, bikeable, and transit- and micromobility-friendly. The Shared Streets and Spaces Grant program was highly competitive, with the program receiving 69 complete, and all outstanding, applications requesting $12.8M in funds.
General inquiries
Media inquiries
Michael Frezell | 517-281-6519
Deputy Communications director
Program guidance
Application summary
Incorporated cities and transit agencies may submit only one application and will only be awarded one grant. Individual departments within incorporated cities are encouraged to communicate with each other and only submit their highest priority application. Incorporated cities may also work together to propose cross-municipality projects, provided one municipality acts as the lead applicant; however, the single-application maximum still applies. Incorporated cities and transit agencies may also coordinate with each other, seeking funding for different elements of a larger project. School districts, nonprofits, private businesses, and other entities may not apply directly for funding; applications must only be submitted by eligible applicants.
The application is a fillable online form that collects information about the applicant and the proposed project. The applicant must demonstrate how the project relates to the goals of the SSSG program and detail the project’s implementation plan, timeline, and measurable outcomes. The applicant must also submit a project budget using the standard MDOT template (noted below in the Project Eligibility section) and any other supplemental information necessary to review the application.
It is essential at the time of application that an applicant understands ownership over the proposed infrastructure and whether any right-of-way acquisitions, easements or licenses/permits are required. Applicants are required to engage the public, adjacent property owners and other stakeholders prior to submitting an application. Applicants should include information related to property ownership and their levels of community engagement and all feedback, positive or negative, associated with the proposed project.
Successful applications must meet the following objectives and support statewide initiatives outlined in MDOT’s State Long-Range Transportation Plan, commonly referred to as Michigan Mobility 2045 (MM2045) and the Statewide Transit Strategic Plan and MI Future Mobility Plan. The overall implementation goals of the SSSG program are:
- Innovative: The project should make use of, where appropriate, technologies and innovations in their project planning, design and construction. Innovations, however, must be implemented within the context of what is allowed per local, state and federal guidance and regulation.
- Coordinated: The proposal should be developed and submitted by an eligible entity and applicants are encouraged to establish a team that includes a diverse range of partners. Teams should include individuals or entities with demonstrated capacity, experience and knowledge in planning, engineering, delivering, and evaluating the effectiveness of projects, working with individuals who will be served by the proposed project.
- Equitable and accessible: Applicants must consider equity and accessibility in the design of their project, and invest in associated community education, engagement and outreach to better understand stakeholder needs.
- Ease of implementation: Projects must be quick-build in nature, not requiring extensive environmental work, permitting, right of way, or design.
- Easily understood: Narratives, pictures, maps, and scaled drawings (both plan view and cross sections) should be submitted so applicant reviewers clearly understand what is being applied for and where.
Application details
Incorporated cities and public transit agencies may apply for projects that, when implemented, improve public spaces in support of public health, safe mobility and strengthened commerce. Proposed projects should generally be quick-build in nature with the purpose of making communities more healthy, walkable, bikeable, and transit- and micromobility-friendly.
Applicants must demonstrate that proposed projects can have the funds be expended or at least under contract by Sept. 30, 2027. Applicants that demonstrate the ability to execute the project sooner may be provided a competitive advantage. How this demonstration is affirmed varies based on the project and the applicant but could include, but not be limited to, financial commitment, governing body resolution, letters of support, documentation of public involvement with little to no opposition, demonstration of secured property, etc. Projects that require considerable design work or substantive roadway reconstruction, environmental clearance, right-of-way acquisition, extensive permitting, or similar work/requirements may be better suited for other federal funding programs.
This state appropriation affords applicants significant flexibility, as many of the typical requirements associated with federal funding, such as the Transportation Alternatives Program or Federal Transit Administration programs, may not apply. However, work funded through this program must be fully compliant with applicable state and federal laws related to access by persons with disabilities and may not remove or negatively impact existing transit service or bicycle and pedestrian accommodations. Furthermore, projects must be well thought-out and designed so as not to endanger users. Projects must be located on publicly owned property that is accessible to the public. All state and federal laws and requirements apply, such as adherence to the Michigan Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Depending on the nature and type of work, the project may be subject to local, state or federal law/regulation, so applicants must be fully aware of the scope of their project and limitations or regulations that apply. This grant only funds construction projects and a limited amount of design work associated with the project. Funds may not be used for property acquisition, right of way, salaries, or non-permanent/short-term installations or pilot projects.
Every incorporated city and public transit authority in the state of Michigan is eligible to apply for funding through this program. Specific limitations related to application include:
- One application per incorporated city or public transit agency.
- Maximum grant amount per application is $200,000.
- An incorporated city and a public transit agency may apply for different elements that contribute to a single project. For example, a transit agency could apply for bus shelters and pads, while the incorporated city applies for sidewalks that service the bus shelter. This would be two different applications from two different eligible entities. (Note: each applicant should note on the application if they are partnering with another entity/application.)
- Applicants may submit packages of identical improvements, such as multiple bike racks or bus shelters throughout a community in different locations.
- This program will fund design services (architectural/engineering work) related to an awarded project. Some design services (usually 10-20 percent) will likely be needed to complete an application, and that portion conducted before grant award is not eligible. Once an application is selected for funding and a contract has been executed, the remaining design work is eligible (likely 80-90 percent of design).
- Marketing and education related to SSSG improvement is allowed up to 10 percent of the grant request.
As outlined in enabling legislation for this program, applicants to the Michigan SSSG program will be expected to:
- Outline milestones and activities that will be met to receive a disbursement of funds.
- Identify measurable project outcomes.
MDOT anticipates applicants will articulate these milestones, activities and measurable outcomes as part of the contracting process and prior to funding distribution. Upon completion of the project, applicants must report on the project milestones, activities and measurable project outcomes. MDOT reserves the right to withhold the final 5 percent of the contract amount until the final report is received.
All cost estimates related to construction must follow the Michigan Engineers Resource Library (MERL). standard allowances for work items and shall assume an inflation factor of 5-15 percent year over year.
Use these limits for the following:
- Construction contingency: not to exceed 15 percent.
- Construction engineering/oversight: not to exceed 15 percent.
- Mobilization: not to exceed 10 percent.
Incorporated cities may propose projects on roadways or other right of way under the jurisdiction of MDOT; however, these projects are subject to MDOT review and permitting approvals. Applicants that desire to pursue such work must discuss the proposed project with the local MDOT Transportation Service Center (TSC) staff well before submitting an application and receive written documentation of intent to permit (e-mail or letter) from the relevant TSC manager. Include such documentation with the application. Project elements proposed on MDOT property will generally be subject to American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) design requirements.
Project types
Projects must align with the program goals of supporting public health, safe mobility and strengthened commerce. In general, successful projects are those that can be implemented quickly, flexibly, at relatively low cost, and that have demonstrated community support. This is a quick-build grant program focused on projects that are easily implementable with the purpose of making communities more walkable, bikeable and transit- and micromobility-friendly. Applicants may apply for projects that fit within the grant maximum of $200,000, or they may use this grant toward a larger project budget that includes other funds. There is no local match required for these funds. Eligible project elements are broad and must include elements from at least one of the project types listed below.
Transit supportive infrastructure
Establish new facilities for public buses to support efficient operations, improve accessibility and to enhance the transit rider experience or overcome first and last-mile barriers to transit stops or stations. Project examples include but are not limited to:
- Dedicated bus or bus/bike lanes.
- Transit service improvements.
- Such as traffic signal prioritization equipment.
- Transit station/stop access improvements.
- Such as shelters, lighting, signs (i.e., wayfinding. informational, etc.), bike racks or repair stations.
- Bicycle racks on transit vehicles.
- Bike loops and concrete pads.
- Sidewalk extensions to bus stops.
- Concrete pedestrian waiting area pads.
- Curb cuts and ramps at bus stops compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
- Bus shelters.
Pedestrian and bicycle supportive infrastructure
Make biking and walking a safe, comfortable and convenient option for everyday trips. Example projects include but are not limited to:
- New or significantly widened sidewalks that contribute to an existing network or provide access to destinations.
- New or improved pedestrian crossings, such as new paint, curb bump-outs, accessible curb ramps, or pedestrian refuge islands.
- Pedestrian signal upgrades at intersections or mid-block crossings.
- Such as leading pedestrian intervals, rectangular rapid flashing beacons, or high-intensity activated crosswalk (HAWK) signals. Note: Modified traffic signals require plans stamped by a registered professional engineer, and new traffic signals require a qualified signal warrant (submit with application).
- Bike lanes
- Standard, buffered or separated, with a preference for separated bike lanes.
- Note: Shared lane markings, or “sharrows,” are discouraged unless to serve as a short connector between other facilities and accompanied with the appropriate signs.
- Trails, sidepaths or shared-use path connectors.
- Larger trail or shared-used path projects may be better suited for the Transportation Alternatives Program.
- At-grade rail crossing improvements for bicyclists and pedestrians.
- Note: When considering railroad crossing improvements, early coordination with the responsible railroad and the MDOT Office of Rail is essential. Applicants should include documentation of current and positive communication between the applicant, MDOT and the responsible railroad operator regarding the proposed project.
- Bicycle parking/racks
- For guidance and recommendations on adequate, secure and convenient options for bicycle parking infrastructure, please review the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals - Essentials of Bike Parking.
- Bicycle repair stations.
- Lighting primarily intended for pedestrians or bicyclists.
- Wayfinding intended for pedestrians or bicyclists.
- Including safety/directional signs for pedestrians and bicyclists (application must describe where and how it will be used).
- Bicycle-friendly drain grates.
- Marketing and education related to SSSG improvements (not to exceed 10 percent of project cost).
Micromobility equipment
Support the capital costs for new or expanded bikeshare, scooter share or similar mobility device programs. Example projects include but are not limited to:
- The purchase of bicycles or other micromobility devices, docks, or stations.
- Pavement markings and signs for micromobility parking.
- Supportive technology.
Plazas and pedestrian spaces
New, repurposed or improvements to streets, plazas, sidewalks, curbs, and parking areas to facilitate outdoor activities and programming (seasonal or year-around). If repurposing an area for outdoor activities adjacent to active vehicular traffic, barrier devices must be appropriate to the level and speed of the vehicular traffic. Projects under this category must be universally accessible and meet ADA and Architectural Access Board (AAB) requirements (for routes, tables, and seating, etc.) and be allowed under local jurisdiction. Example projects include:
- Portions of streets, curbs, and/or sidewalks to create new safer spaces for people to use micromobility, walk and bike, engage in retail activity, dining, and community programming.
- Parking areas (on- and off-street) for using micromobility, walking, biking, recreation, outdoor seating, retail, and/or dining.
- Heaters, tents, tables and chairs, lighting, and other equipment to support outdoor programming that is part of a larger project proposed to transform transportation infrastructure.
Ineligible project types and costs
While innovation is encouraged and the above list provides guidance and ideas on projects and project element eligibility, MDOT reserves the right to determine some projects or project elements as ineligible. The following are examples of ineligible projects:
- Design, engineering and architectural work necessary to develop the application.
- Projects that cannot be implemented and operational by Sept. 30, 2027.
- Project costs incurred prior to the issuance of contract award.
- Operational costs associated with implementing and maintaining the operations of eligible items.
- Projects on private property.
- Projects that impede travel by people with disabilities or violate the ADA, even temporarily, unless adequate detours are provided.
- Construction contingency that exceeds 15 percent, construction engineering/oversight that exceeds 15 percent, and mobilization that exceeds 10 percent.
- Pavement resurfacing is not an eligible expense unless it is being done in order to provide for the striping of bicycle lanes or other meaningfully different uses of a roadway. In those cases, only the portion of the road intended for bicycle or pedestrian travel would be eligible.
- Any project not intended to be permanent in nature and for illustrative purposes only.
- Projects that are unlikely to comply with the constraints of these funds:
- All projects that require property acquisition, or permanent grading easements or right of way.
- Projects located in sensitive environments that could require extensive permitting and review by regulating agencies such as the Michigan Department of Resources, Michigan Department of Environment Great Lakes and Energy, State Historic Preservation Office, etc.
SSSG frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Application for review and collaboration purposes only
SSSG application field character limits
Example SSSG resolution language
Webinar presentation - April 2024
Michigan Mobility 2045 Plan (pages 38-39)
Michigan Mobility 2045 - Active Transportation Plan: A Bold Vision (pages 9-10)