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Geographic Information System (GIS)

A world map showing data points and how the interact.
Department of Transportation

Geographic Information System (GIS)

A geographic information system (GIS) is a collection of computer hardware, software, and geographic data used for capturing, storing, updating, manipulating, analyzing, and displaying all forms of geographically referenced information -  data identified according to their locations (latitude/longitude, state plane coordinates, etc.). GIS combines geography with system information. In simple terms, it is a map linked to a database.

MDOT's goal is to support the implementation and use of GIS software and hardware through innovative solutions that solve spatial problems and support more informed decisions about Michigan's transportation infrastructure. MDOT's GIS Unit develops and maintains enterprise GIS databases, linear referencing systems, web services, ArcGIS Online, Open Data Portal, GIS news, GIS training, and Transportation Asset Management System (TAMS) implementation. 

Transforming data into information, and information into knowledge.

GIS questions? Contact

Linear Referencing

Linear Referencing is a method of storing and maintaining spatial data along a measured linear feature. MDOT currently uses Esri Roads and Highways to manage the Linear Refencing System (LRS) and the data that is a part of this system. The LRS webpage contains information on LRS and links to the most up-to-date versioned data.

Learn more about Michigan Linear Referencing.