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Road Program

An aerial view of I-196 in Grand Rapids.
Department of Transportation

Road Program

The Local Agency Program Road Unit (formerly known as the Urban and Safety Unit) reviews road and street projects designed by local municipalities and their consultants, that will be funded all or in part with federal and state transportation road funds.

The unit’s road engineers review plans, special provisions, and construction documents for conformance with federal and state requirements, request obligation of the applicable federal and state transportation funds, and prepare bid proposal packages for inclusion in the MDOT advertisement and bidding process.


Ryan Doyle, P.E. l 989-220-9447
Road Team Leader

Michele Zawerucha, P.E. l 989-274-2356
Urban Obligation Specialist

Dale Spencley, P.E. l 517-241-3403
Rural & Bridge Obligation Specialist

Mike Seling, P.E. l 517-897-4847
Statewide Rural Road Engineer

Urban Area Staff Engineers Map