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Governmental Signing

Placement of permanent non-traffic regulating signs by governmental agencies within the state highway right-of-way is allowed if such signs do not interfere with the operation and maintenance of the state highway and serve a general public interest. 

Applicants must submit an individual permit application package through the Construction Permit System (CPS) with the following, if applicable:

  • A resolution from the governmental agency indicating the general public is served by placing a sign and the governmental agency agrees to maintain the sign, if applicant is a local governmental agency;
  • Memorandum of Understanding, if applicant is state governmental agency;
  • Letter of Understanding, if applicant is a federal governmental agency;
  • Necessary approvals from underlying fee owners or other parties of interest.

All construction permit applications are submitted and purchased through the MDOT Permit Gateway available thru MiLogin online system.

For more information on the construction permit process, visit  MDOT Right-of-Way Construction Permits.