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MDOT public meeting Nov. 30 on US-23 Flex Route phase 2 in Livingston County

BRIGHTON, Mich. - The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) invites the public to attend a public meeting on the proposed building and maintenance of traffic for phase 2 of the US-23 Flex Route project. MDOT representatives will be available for questions and answers.

Interested residents
Community stakeholders
Local businesses         

5 - 8 p.m.
Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2022

Green Oak Charter Township Building
1001 Silver Lake Road
Brighton, MI, 48116

Accommodations can be made for persons who require mobility, visual, hearing, written, or other assistance for participation. Large print materials, auxiliary aids or the services of interpreters, signers, or readers are available upon request. Please contact Orlando Curry at 517-241-7462 or complete Form 2658 for American Sign Language (ASL) located on the Title VI webpage: Requests should be made at least five days prior to the meeting date. Reasonable efforts will be made to provide the requested accommodation or an effective alternative, but accommodations may not be guaranteed.

Project information:
The existing US-23 Flex Lane between Warren Road and M-36 (9 Mile Road) is a median shoulder lane that is activated during peak travel times to reduce congestion along the freeway. Through phase 2, MDOT will extend the US-23 Flex Lane north to tie into the I-96 interchange. The northbound US-23 Flex Lane will end just north of the Lee Road off ramp and south of the Lee Road bridge. The Flex Lane will transition into an exit-only lane to westbound I-96. More information is available on the MDOT website

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