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Bridge Advisories
The Bridge Advisory (BA) is intended to convey information to MDOT, local agencies, and contractors working for these agencies. The intent of the advisories is to provide guidance and share information on bridge safety, bridge inspection, bridge management, and bridge load rating issues.
Bridge Advisory 2025-01 - Work Recommendations
BA 2024-01 - Materials Stored Under Highway Bridges
BA 2024-02 - Updated Guidance for Structure Numbers
BA 2023-01 Uncoated Weathering Steel Bridges
BA 2023-02 Updated Guidance for the use of Judgment Ratings
BA 2019-01 Timeframe for Posting
BA 2019-02 MiBRIDGE User Requirement Load Rating
BA 2019-03 Storing Bridge Plans and Load Rating Documentation in MiBRIDGE
BA 2019-04 Modifications to Team Leader Qualifications
BA-2018-01 REVISED Load Posting Guidance
BA-2018-02 Required Documentation and Procedure for Electronic Waterway Data
BA-2018-03 Dapped Concrete Beam Ends
BA-2016-01 Load Rating updates to MiBRIDGE
BA-2016-02 Corrugated Metal Pipe Analysis Spreadsheets
BA-2016-03 Load Rating Method Update
BA-2014-01 Railroad Structures, Bridge Safety Inspection Guidance
BA-2014-02 Michigan Structure Inspection Manual (MiSIM)
BA-2014-03 MiBRIDGE Inspection Report Submission & Unassigned Inspections
BA-2013-01 Guidelines for Bridge Inspection Frequencies
BA 2012-01 - Modifications and Improvements to Load Rating Data and MBIS/MBRS
BA 2012-02 - Guidance for the use of "Field Evaluation and Documented Engineering Judgment" Ratings
BA 2012-03 - Corrugated Metal Pipe Analysis Spreadsheets
BA 2011-01 - MBIS (Michigan Bridge Inspection System) Field Application Shutdown
BA 2011-02 - Local Agency Load Rating Prioritization and Coding
BA 2011-03 - Credentials for all Qualified Team Leaders
BA 2010-01 - Tidal Waterways - Guidance for Coding Federal Bridge Inventory Item 113
BA 2010-02 - MBIS, Framework Update, New Security/Login
BA 2010-03 - Load Rating Compliance with NBIS
BA 2010-04 - Check Box - Hydraulic Part of the Scour Critical Bridge Action Plan Form is Complete
BA 2010-05 - Scour Critical Bridge Action Plan Form - Blank Form
BA 2010-06 - Licensing and use of AASHTOWare Virtis Software
BA 2009-01 - Load Rating Gusset Plates on Non-Load-Path-Redundant Steel Truss Bridges
BA 2009-02 - 2009 Interim Update for MDOT Bridge Analysis Guide
BA 2009-03 - Check Box on Scour Critical Bridge Action Plan Form
BA 2009-04 - Coding Federal Bridge Inventory Item 113
BA 2009-04 - Coding Federal Bridge Inventory Item 113 (Revised)
BA 2009-05 - Coding of NBI Item 41, Structure Open, Posted, or Closed
BA 2008-01 - MBIS Enhancements: Special Inspections and New Security Provisions
BA 2008-02 - Fracture Critical Details (SI&A Item 92A)
BA 2008-03 - NBI Condition Ratings When a Localized Condition Affects the Structural Integrity of the Component
BA 2008-04 - NBIS Scour Evaluations and Plans of Action for Scour Critical Bridges
BA 2008-05 - Plan of Action Report for Scour Critical Bridges in the Michigan Bridge Inspection System (MBIS)
BA 2008-06 - Evaluating Culverts for Scour
BA 2007-01 - Bridge Analysis Guide
BA 2007-02 - Security Awareness
BA 2007-03 - Deck Bottom Surface Rating
BA 2007-04 - Immediate Inspection of Deck Truss Bridges Containing Fracture Critical Members (FCM)
BA 2007-05 - Bridge Inspection Contract Template & Mapping Functionality