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Category C - Urban Congestion Relief

Traffic on US-23 Flex Route
Department of Transportation

Category C - Urban Congestion Relief

To provide funding for transportation projects which:

  • Improve the operational level of service in heavily congested urban areas
  • Reduce the crash rate on heavily congested urban roads
  • Improve the surface and base condition of heavily congested urban roads

Eligible Recipients:
Eligible recipients are county and city road agencies in counties with a population greater that 400,000 (Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, Genesee and Kent).

Eligible Projects:
To be eligible for Category C funding:

  • The project must reduce traffic congestion on county primary or city major streets within urban counties
  • The project must be located in Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, Genesee, or Kent county
  • The project must be on two-lane roads carrying more than 10,000 vehicles per day, or more than 25,000 vehicles per day on roads with more than two lanes
  • The project must be for a county primary or city major street eligible for federal aid
  • The project must be for adding travel lanes, left turn lanes, intersection improvements, or advanced traffic management systems

Eligible Project Costs
Eligible costs include costs normally associated with highway construction projects, such as project planning, design, right-of-way acquisition and construction. Routine maintenance costs are not eligible for funding.

Required Match:
20% local, non-TEDF funding

Application Process:
None. Funds are distributed to eligible recipients based on the formula outlined in P.A. 231 of 1987.

Project Selection:
Eligible recipients present proposed transportation projects to Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO) for review and funding recommendation. Projects selected by the MPO are administered by the Michigan Department of Transportation.

For further information contact your County Road Commission or MDOT's Office of Economic Development at or 517-335-1069.