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Category D - Secondary All-Season Roads

Winding road in Alger County through Pictured Rocks
Department of Transportation

Category D - Secondary All-Season Roads

To serve development by establishing and integrating a local secondary all-season road system with the state trunkline system.

To provide funding for transportation projects which:

  • Complement the existing state trunkline system with improvements on connecting local routes that have high commercial traffic
  • Minimize disruptions that result from seasonal load restrictions

Eligible Recipient:
Eligible applicants are county, city, or village road agencies and transit agencies in counties with a population of less than 400,000.

Eligible Projects:
In order to be eligible for Category D funding:

  • The project must be essential to the creation of an all-season road system
  • The project must be located on a rural primary road or major street in a small city or village (population of 5,000 or less) in counties with a population of less than 400,000
  • Unless waived by the Rural Task Force, the project must be eligible for federal-aid and must be for road improvements on existing hard surface roads
  • The project must meet all-season standards
  • Projects will be coordinated with TEDF-Category F projects to establish all-season system continuity within cities and villages
  • Priority routes must begin and end at an existing all-season road or highway or a point-of-loading origin

Eligible Project Costs:
Category D funds must be used only for construction. Right-of-way acquisition and engineering are not eligible costs.

Required Match:
20% local, non-TEDF match is required.

Application Process:
None. Funds are distributed to eligible recipients based on their eligible mileage.

Project Selection:
Eligible recipients present proposed transportation projects to Rural Task Forces (RTF) for review and funding recommendation. Projects selected by the RTF are administered by the Michigan Department of Transportation.

Direct Distribution Program:
The Transportation Economic Development Fund Category D (TEDF D) Direct Distribution Program is a voluntary program that will allow local road agencies to receive a lump sum payment to be used to complete a road project on an eligible all-season route through their local letting process. It is important to note that this is not a funding exchange program. It is similar to other TEDF grant programs and will require similar contracts and tracking, including a demonstration of a minimum of 20% matching funds. Projects eligible to participate must be on the approved Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and programmed with only TEDF D and local matching funds. Please read the additional information to determine if a project may qualify. For more information about the Direct Distribution Program, check the Rural Task Force Program webpage for contact details.

For further information contact your County Road Commission or MDOT's Office of Economic Development at or 517-335-1069.