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Using National Functional Classifications (NFC) Maps

Any National Functional Classification (NFC) may be rural or urban. Urban NFC's are along or inside the Adjusted Census Urban Boundary (ACUB).

  • Roads shown as thick, blue, purple, red, green, orange and urban yellow lines are federal-aid highways.
  • Rural roads shown as thick, yellow lines (rural minor collectors) have limited federal-aid eligibility for STP funds per current federal law (FAST-Act).
  • Roads shown as thin, black lines (local roads) are not eligible for STP federal-aid.
  • Roads shown as thin, gray lines are not under the jurisdiction of any public road agency, these roads are not eligible for federal-aid.

Every attempt is made to show public agency roads. However, only agency certified Act-51 maps are official sources for this information.

STP funds may be used on any federal-aid highway, following the project selection process established by federal legislation.

The dashed future NFC routes shown in the legend refer to un-built routes. If an un-built route is entered into the STIP with a local funding match and the function of the un-built route is expected to function as a federal-aid highway, then a proposal to apply for a federal-aid functional classification can be made in cooperation with MDOT to be sent to FWHA for approval. Program-specific information can be found on the Grant Programs webpage

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View National Functional Class (NFC) Map


ESRI Layer Setting file for FHWA Approved NHS

Right click and choose "save target as", make sure the "save as type" option is "compressed (zipped) Folder (*.zip)" and save the file to your drive. Unzip the file. There are two ESRI layer setting files included in this .zip file. They can be used in your licensed ArcMap software to style the shape file downloads from the NFC web mapping application page. They are the same settings as used in the mapping application for the map themes "FHWA approved NFC" and "FHWA approved NHS."